If you told me in advance that Donald Trump was going to be on Fox & Friends this morning to talk about the Oscars, I would have told you to prepare for a car wreck. Trump didn’t disappoint. Not realizing that slavery was the most racist thing in our country’s history, he called Django Unchained the most racist movie he has ever seen. He not-so-subtley suggested that the movie, which features a black man shooting a bunch of white slaveowners, was proof of why we don’t want gun control (cuz then whitey can’t fight back?)- “You know, when they talk about guns and gun control, that movie– people should watch that,” he said. “You wanna talk about somebody with a problem. But, I thought it was terrible.” Imagine black people having a “problem” with slaveowners!!

Then he trashed Daniel Day-Lewis for not being from this country and having a British accent which Lincoln didn’t have and which powerful people do not have. Whereupon, the Fox & Friends crew piled on about how the movie about the man who made the Republican Party a respectable institution was a boring sleep-inducing documentary that was almost as gay as a play.

I know the Democrats long ago took up the original Republicans’ banner as the protector of black civil rights, but can’t these folks even pretend they’re not the direct descendants of Simon Legree?

An Oscar-winning movie that lionized Ronald Reagan would have caused a virtual circle jerk to break out on the set of Fox & Friends, but one about the man who ended slavery? That’s strictly for the arse-bandits.