Yes, that’s right. If you are a resident of Nelson, Georgia, you are required by law to own a gun and bullets. Seriously.
Monday night, this city of 1,300 people on the border of Cherokee and Pickens counties made it law that the head of every household must own a gun and bullets.
With that unanimous vote, the City Council thrust Nelson into one of the most contentious debates gripping America – and onto the international news scene. During the run-up to the vote, City Hall fielded media requests from as far away as Germany.
The fascination: Whereas some cities have pushed for greater gun restrictions following the killing of 26 students and staff in a Connecticut school, Nelson chose to stand up for the Second Amendment.
Standing up for the Second Amendment means that if you don’t own a gun you are violating the law? I’m sorry, Mr. McClatchey reporter, but the second amendment says absolutely nothing about making it illegal to refuse to own a firearm. To claim this “ordinance” by the Nelson City Council was an act to defend the 2nd amendment is absurd. What it is is a blatant attempt at pandering and attention seeking by a group of freedom hating morans. Of course they claim they won’t enforce the law. If that is the case, however, then why pass it in the first place?
Council members say the measure has been warmly endorsed by the community. Even so, some residents at Monday’s meeting – attended by about 30 people, among the largest crowds in recent memory – spoke against it.
“The ordinance is unnecessary. We have no violent crime,” said Lamar Kellett, 76. To him, the council’s action is nothing more than big government trying to impose its will on the people.
The stupid here doesn’t just burn, it scorches. Somewhere Wayne LaPierre and his fellow lobbyists for the firearms industry must be giddy.
One of the NW Atlanta exurbs — Kennesaw Mt.? — did this thirty years ago.
Proud to live in Georgia!
Thanks for not banning me…for some strange reason, posting on this website is about the best stress relief available to me!
I’ll try to keep my posts respectful and relevant.
Steve D…
I’m amazed you took the above ordinance so seriously…it was a “modest peoposal”-type action taken to illustrate what, in our view, is the folly of your ideology.
Please forgive us racist rednecks!
Glad he didn’t ban you either. We all can use a laugh from time to time.
Thanks! I need to amuse myself, if anything.
But the censorship Mob is working quickly to erase my post… This one will likely disappear soon…
I can deal with it…if Boo is willing to let my comments stand, but the Mob erases them through “Democracy”, I am grateful. A prescient warning about the dangers of “mob rule”…
I guess I missed the part where Jonathon Swift introduced and passed a law to require people to buy meat made from poor children.
This law certainly illustrates something, but not what you think it does.
Ah, yes, just another uproarious “joke” by our comic “conservatives”, not meant as a serious proposal..oops, law…at all. Nosiree.
And what are the various statements made by the elected worthies of Nelson GA which convince you that satire is “really” what they were aiming at? I’m sure you must know all about it, bein’ from Georgia and all…
Well, Nelson is only about 20 minutes north of my home in Alpharetta, Ga. Being an evil rich guy, I have a rental home in Ball Ground, GA, only 10 minutes south of Nelson…
The problem is, y’all are biggots…you are bigoted against white males…especially southern white males… (born a Yankee in New York, moved to Arizona for 20 years, adopted the South as my homeland when I moved here in 2000…don’t actually say “y’all”, but use it in written correspondence as a badge of honor)…by political guilt by association, looking at voting patterns, you’re equally bigoted against white married women (especially in the South!)…
I know lot’s of racist white males here…anyone who hears about this laughs, knowing the satire behind it…
Grow Up!
All? I’m a white male, specifically an old white male. And frequent contributor, TarHeelDem, is an old white Southern (and Southern born) male.
Forget guilt by association, it looks like you’re relying on knowledge by (geographical) association to “prove” the satirical aim. Kinda dubious, sorry. But I’m sure it seems quite persuasive to you…
You must not actually think too much of your (adopted) Southern brethren if you feel you have to invent absurd excuses and hopeful justifications for their ridiculous and barbarous behavior. Which is understandable, you being a Northerner. Y’all, indeed.
As for guilt by association, all conservative white males (you included) condemn themselves with their own freely chosen words, which they are happy to blather to any and all.
Wonder if this “individual mandate” is Constitutional. Would be amusing to watch all the back-flipping-flopping members of the Supreme Court would have to go through if this question were before them.
I’m willing to bet it is. We’ve had required ownership of guns before in this country, in fact, right around it’s founding. So this isn’t that odd.
Of course the hilarity is that actually enforcing “mandatory gun ownership” is that you’d need to prove you had the gun to the authorities. So you’d need some sort of database run by the government to make sure you had your required gun. Which would really freak them out.
If I lived in Nelson, GA, I might be tempted to buy weapons to protect myself from the tyranny of a government forcing me to buy weapons to protect myself from .., something. Because reasons. Obviously.
I think you miss the point. We just had America’s Wingnuts propagandized into a frenzy over mandated purchase of health insurance as an infringement of their natural “liberty”. But apparently mandated gun purchases are fine. The actual constitutionality is beside the point.
And when did (which) states mandate gun ownership and when was that abandoned? What’s the history on which you base your conclusion that this absurd ordinance is “not that odd”? Is it “odd” for say, the 20th century?
Thanks for getting it.
I’ve heard (but not verified) that some midwestern states have the “own a firearm” requirement in their state constitution.
As in “Male citizens between the ages of 18 and 50 are members of the militia”, plus “all members of the militia are to provide themselves with a suitable firearm”.
And, strangely enough, the US congress has the explicit constitutional mandate to set rules and regulations for the organization of said militias. Like registering their firearms, so that we’ll know exactly what we’ve got in case the Redcoats invade. Again.
So, do the bullets and the gun have to match? And what provision is there in the law for people who don’t want to spend their hard-earned on guns and ammo? Is there a “conscience” clause for folks who belong to, say, the Church of the Brethren or the Quakers? And everybody’s going to be insured to the hilt for “accidental” discharges, right?
“The ordinance is unnecessary. We have no violent crime,” said Lamar Kellett, 76. To him, the council’s action is nothing more than big government trying to impose its will on the people.
Sums it all up right there!!
Steven, I believe this ordinance falls in the category of your previous post
Solves the problem of “If I want to steal a gun, where is the most likely place to steal it from?”
Any house in this town of morons will do. Cue robbery 5…4…3…2…1
If you live in a nation of clowns, you have to expect some circuses.
More of this sort of red nosed clownery will follow as we crack up, it is yet more evidence of what a deeply foolish, silly and childish people we have allowed ourselves to become.
A global laughingstock.