Progress Pond

One of These Things is Not Like the Others

Possibly because they were bored, Public Policy Polling asked the public about a variety of conspiracy theories. Interestingly, of all the ones they mentioned, the majority of the public only truly subscribes to one. They don’t think Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. In fact, only one in four Americans polled thinks that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. To me, that should withdraw it from the category of conspiracy theory. This is especially true because Congress concluded the same thing. Congress concluded that there was more than one shooter and therefore a conspiracy. They simply refused to endorse any particular theory of who was part of the conspiracy beside Oswald. Nothing else that PPP polled falls into this category. The government has never said that aliens crashed in Roswell or that bin-Laden is still alive or that chemtrails are real or that the moon landing was faked or that the CIA created the crack epidemic on purpose or that global warming is a hoax. Maybe people believe that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK because the government said that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK. It seems awfully strange to marginalize an opinion that has been endorsed by Congress as some kind of tin-foil hat delusion.

And, yet, one is made to feel defensive about endorsing the government’s own findings. How strange is that?

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