Let’s go along with Stu Rothenberg and call it a debate, and not an argument that he’s having with Daily Kos’s Steve Singiser. And let’s credit Rothenberg for conceding many of Singiser’s debating points. I still have a problem with this statement:
But if the question is whether there is any evidence right now that Democrats can retake the House next year (especially considering historical trends and the number of swing districts), the answer has to be no. This conclusion is based on the evidence now, and if the evidence changes, so could my conclusion.
I conducted my own analysis of the House elections back on November 20th, and I found only 11 seats that the Democrats had a decent chance of winning in 2014. We would need 17 seats to win back control of the lower chamber, so my conclusion was that “The only way we can win back the House is to get on the ground in most of these districts and start organizing.” Yet, that doesn’t mean that I agree with Rothenberg that there are no signs that the Democrats can win back the House. There are signs everywhere. You have defense-oriented conservatives like John McCain and Lindsey Graham fighting with Tea Party-oriented conservatives like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. You have former RNC head Michael Steele fighting with current RNC chairman Reince Preibus. You have cultural conservatives like Gary Bauer and Mike Huckabee fighting with establishment conservatives like Karl Rove and Reince Priebus. You have pro-immigration reform conservatives fighting with anti-immigration reform conservatives. You have CPAC disinviting governors Chris Christie and Bob O’Donnell to their conference. You have Mid-Atantic Republicans like Peter King of Long Island declaring war on southern Republicans over delayed disaster aid. You have an internal battle going on over how to deal with gay marriage. You can see growing public disenchantment with the Republicans’ refusal to compromise, and they’re taking very unpopular positions on background checks for gun purchases that have the support of 90% of the population. Even the latest generic congressional preference poll from the right-leaning Rasmussen has the Democrats with a 7-point advantage (during last November’s election week, it was a 3-point advantage). In February, the DSCC outraised the NRSC by 2-to-1. And no one disputes that the Republicans have nothing like Organizing for America or their brilliant digital staff.
What more signs does Rothenberg want?
Of course, the Democrats are still going to have to recruit strong candidates that can win in districts that Romney carried. It’s premature to actually predict that the Democrats will win back the House. But it’s pure blindness to not see how badly the Republican Party has fallen into disarray and infighting in the aftermath of their disastrous election last November.
The gun control issue will be a major aspect of next years campaigning. I really don’t see the issue going away. If the Senate passes a universal background check law (and I think that is highly probable) it will set everything into motion.
The House will have to bring it up for a vote. If they don’t it will be obvious to everyine that it is the GOP blocking it. And if it comes up for a vote, every Republican that votes against it, which will be close to 100%, will be creating ads against themselves.
As you point out, this is one thing that has unbelieveable high approval from the country. Even in the reddest districts, approval is probably over 50%. It would take campaign malpractice for the Dems not to either come very close or actually win back the House.
Of course, the Dems are known for pulling defeat from the jaws of victory, but I think next year will be different.
How about this…
Unemployment still stubbornly high…
GDP growth still stubbornly low…
Obamacares full effects felt by November, 2014…we’ve already seen numerous unintended consequences from this monstrosity…as a business owner, I ASSURE you we will continue to see more…
2014 will be 2010 all over again…
Did I mention Obama’s approval rating is down to 47 percent? Of you recall, I predicted Obama’s election popular vote total wouldn’t exceed his approval rating. It did a little, but only about a percentage point, based primarily on the fact that Obama himself, and not his bankrupt ideology, was on the ballot. Less-informed voters, susceptible to silly arguments about “racism”, “sexism”, “homophobism”, etc., are less likely to vote in mid-term elections.
Have y’all ever thought why Obama’s vaunted turn-out machine was so effective in 2008 and 2012, yet so ineffective in 2010?
More importantly, have you thought about economic fundamentals like employment and economic growth have remained so anemic?
Yes…due to Bernanke’s wild money printing, asset classes like stocks and housing are soaring…not real, Keynesians…just another bubble…like Dotcom in 2000…like housing in 2006….I know…since I’m rich and evil, I need to spend as much time figuring how to protect wealth against money-printer Bernanke and tax-collector Ovama as I do figuring out how to grow my business, hire people, and expand the middle-class!
Blacks, whites, Hispanics…
Men and Women…
Gays and straights…
Wait… let me think… How else do y’all divide society…
Oh Yeah!
Rich and Poor…
Intelligent and (Unintelligent? Is “Intelligence an unearned advantage?)…
All want to have meaningful work and earn a good living…they do not want to be dependent on the State…
If we convince Women, Minorities, Gays, Poor People, Union Workers, and whomever else is part of your “coalition”, your statist ideology is relegated to the “ash-heap” of history…
We now must stoop to recruiting candidates whose gender, sex, sexual orientation, background, etc, can convince uninformed voters that voting for statism denies their basic, fundamental right to earn a respectful living…
All they have now is unemployment and food stamps…
Very Sad.
On the positive side, Marco Rubio is a FAR superior candidate than Mitt Romney! All water sipping aside.
Where’s Margaret Thatcher when you need her.
Sigh…Herman Cain? Ben Carlson?
Sigh. Sad and Pathetic.
The fundamental question of the fundamental relationship between the State and the Individual lost in ad homenin arguments about skin color, gender, sexual preference, net worth, etc.
Stick a fork in our Republic.
Thanks for letting me vent…we come from the same place…dignity for all individuals…and I want to make poor people rich!
I was poor…was taken hostage by my Dad’d rival motorcycle gang at age 5, etc. (fill in blanks on bad childhood, started poor, etc)
My life has truly been miraculous…I have stayed up at night wondering how…I want others to experience this miracle…
Truly I tell you, Government is not the solution, Government is the problem….
It’s not just me…wehave 8 “board members” and partners that have been with me for 10 to 13 years… everyone of them started out in humble circumstances, and is now “rich” by Obama’s standard…
Below them, we have 60 to 70 mid-level managers who earn between 70 and 110k per year…rest assured, the vast majority started out in humble beginnings…
I fear that your ideology will eliminate the feeling that arises from one discovering one’s potential and overcoming adversity against the odds.
The fundamental difference between government and private business is that government obtains wealth through force, while private business is completely at the mercy of private citizens to give them money because they feel the product they are receiving is more valuable than the money they are giving.
Your blindness to the moral superiority of the free market system is amazing to me.
But thanks for letting me vent!
Your blindness to the evils of the soi-disant “free” market system is amazing to me. It is grounded in exploitation of employees and customers. The “free marketeers” work night and day to destroy competition so they can gouge the customers and offer peanuts to the employers whom they regularly cheat and short-change. Their motto is “Never give a sucker an even break.” They (you?) want government off their back so they can sell damaged and dangerous goods to the unsuspecting public and so they can renege on their obligations to their employees and/or sexually exploit them.
I’m 68 years old and except for two years unemployment starting eleven years ago, I have been working ever since I was 15 and my High school Principal signed a release for me to get a work permit. I know what I’m talking about, Mr. “Free (to cheat) Market”.
“offer peanuts to the employees “
My fingers start tripping when I’m angry.
Wrong! My employees make more money with company than they can with my competitors. That’s why we kick their asses.
They Win!
My customers pay money to have access to great health clubs, great personal trainers, and great nutrition coaches…we get obese Americans in the best shape of their lives…
They Win!
Your perception of Free Enterprise…
Wake Up!
I dominated my business model by paying talented people more than my competitors, and charging customers less than my competitors…
Just like Walmart!
Higher pay, lower prices, lower profit margin, higher VOLUME!
Stop throwing stones at entrepreneurs who make your life better.
“paying talented people more than my competitors…Just like Walmart!”
Every cent I have was gained by paying an employee well, or giving value to a customer…
I’m angry too
Voice in the Wilderness…
Are you John the baptist?
In a Good Liberal Way?
Obama was not on the ballot in 2010, hence he didn’t give a shit. As for his caring about other Democrats, from day one in office he has attacked Democrats and kissed up to Republicans. Obama is for Obama. Nobody else.
Wow…we are on opposite sides ideologically, but your comment is truly insightful…