… over the next few days and weeks by news reporters stenographers, ambitious politicians, radio talk show hosts, bloggers and people addicted to Twitter or Facebook or what have you. I recognize we live in a society where far too many people ignore facts which do not conform to their world view. People like to use tragedies such as the Boston Marathon bombings to push their own agendas. I saw it happen after Kent State, where people blamed the victims. I saw it after Waco and Oklahoma City and Trayvon Martin. I saw it after 911 when people blamed anyone who was a Muslim, or looked like they might be a Muslim, for the deaths of 3,000 souls.

Hey, I’m guilty as charged. I’ve done my share of jumping to conclusions since I’ve written online at this blog.

But for the moment, let’s try to focus on what we do know, which by the way is not very much. Mostly, we know that a lot of people in Boston are hurting, physically or psychologically from this act of terror. People who did not deserve what was done to them. Two people have died and more may follow in the days to come. Others will have long and difficult recoveries ahead.

For today, let’s not speculate about who planted those bombs, or what their motivations may have been, or who may have poisoned their minds with hate or who didn’t do enough to prevent this tragedy. We will have plenty of time in the days ahead, as we hopefully discover more about this evil attack on our brothers and sisters in Boston, to reach conclusions and make judgments based on evidence and facts rather than on mere suspicion or personal bias.

I say this to everyone — to the people who agree with my political views and those who do not. I’ve already seen people online jumping to conclusions. Some argue that this could only be an act of domestic right wing terrorists. Others have blamed Muslim terrorists, liberals and even the President for what happened. In short, too many people are using this atrocity as a means to attack their supposed political enemies than they are concerned for the victims of this horrific act of random murder. Let me repeat, a lot of stupid things are being said by people, most of whom are smart enough to know better.

Let’s not be those people. Let’s be the people who wait to cast judgment. Let’s be the people who send whatever love and support we can to the victims of this crime.

That’s all I got. Peace out my fellow humans.