It’s been a stressful week for many Americans. Boston, West, Texas, and then the Manhunt yesterday (even though law enforcement finally got their man last night). Reasonable gun regulations were defeated in the Senate despite a majority of Senators voting in favor of them, a bill jointly sponsored by a Conservative Democrat and a Republican. We had some moron in Arkansas telling us that he bet the “cowering Boston liberals” wished they had AR-15’s while they stayed in their homes at the request of law enforcement. I guess he forgot the about the mother in Newtown, CT who had plenty of AR-15’s, more than enough for her son to use to kill her and a school full of kids. We had a Family Research Council idiot, Tony Perkins, blaming the Newtown and the Boston tragedies on sexual liberalism, about as inane and hurtful statement as I have ever seen. I wonder who or what he blames for the tragic fertilizer plant fire and explosion in the small town of West, Texas? Sexual conservatism? We’ve seen The New Republic tell Gabby Giffords it was shameful of her to speak out against the NRA’s stranglehold on the Senate and the senators who voted against the proposed restrictions on gun magazine capacity and an expansion of background checks. As if a victim of gun violence, even a former Congressperson, should just keep her mouth shut on an issue that has overwhelming support among the American public.
In short, this has been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week, but the above is only the tip of the iceberg. Here’s some things you may have missed. The ice in Antarctica is melting ten times faster than at any time in at least the last thousand years, with most of that increase happening since the middle of the 20th Century. Unemployment claims are still at unacceptable levels. Austerity is choking the life out of European economies, so much so that even the International Monetary Fund (hardly a liberal/progressive organization) criticized the British government’s plan to impose more of it on the British people as a means to reduce that country’s deficit. Meanwhile, our own state, federal and local governments are cutting the heart out of our essential services such as schools, and the sequester is gutting essential services at the federal level. I could go on, but I’m too bummed to add to the list.
Party like it’s 2013? More like being trapped a nightmare. Please, post some good stuff that has happened, or is happening, in the comments because I could sure use a dose of good news.
Ha, beat me to it Boo, but I’ve got the [comfort dogs
] images. I really like the one of the guy in the dentist’s chair with dog sprawled on top of him.
I see this world as a mixture of joy and pain, frustration and happiness, sadness, loss, celebration — and every other experience possible. Good stuff and terrible stuff is happening all the time. People are born, others die. People fall in and out of love. They marry and divorce. They graduate and flunk out, succeed and fail in every imaginable way.
What good happened in the world recently? The second Boston bomber was captured. The sun rose this morning. Each of us woke up and took our first breath of the day. We were given another chance. Another chance to hold ourselves and each other in love and compassion.
You forgot about the great deluge in the Chicago area where streets swallow up cars whole and manhole covers turn into 70 foot geysers.
Oh, don’t worry, that moron from Arkansas got his ass handed to him by Bostonians, bless his heart.
Two thoughts got me through the week– “There are always helpers” and “At least Bush isn’t President”. Then there’s this:,32105/.
As for good news, the sun is out, my dog is at my side, my family is safe, and we get another chance next week. That’s enough for me. The lesson of this week has to be to appreciate what you have, right now. For anyone who is feeling down, I suggest a walk at the park.
I had to make a presentation speech in front of a big crowd tonight. Had some anxiety for a couple of days prior, but it went well, I’m told. They were probably just being kind.