Everyone gets upset at the lack of civility but the least objectionable thing about Darrel Issa’s recent comments was his reference to the White House press secretary as a “paid liar.” That’s simply an uncharitable and lopsided description of his job. It’s true that the press secretary is supposed to disseminate truthful information to the media, but he’s also supposed to put the best face on it. And he often has to be less than candid to protect our national secrets. One hopes that the press secretary isn’t deliberately misleading or completely dishonest, but we shouldn’t expect completely objective and totally honest representations from him. That is literally not his job.
Darrell Issa is a member of the House of Representatives. He is a partisan. We should not expect completely objective information from him, either. But we have every right to expect him to refrain from making totally unsubstantiated charges against his political opponents, especially when he is responsible for government oversight. While it’s not particularly fair, we could call any press secretary for any politician a “paid liar” without being incorrect. But, among politicians, Darrell Issa sticks out as one of the worst paid liars the nation has ever seen.
Considering the history of recent press secretaries, beginning in 2001, I would say the last two have been pillars of honesty compared to their predecessors. Additionally, it is not uncommon for the any administration not to pass on certain info to press secretaries so as to avoid having to lie.
As to Issa, calling him a liar is being too easy on him.
But we have every right to expect him to refrain from making totally unsubstantiated charges against his political opponents, especially when he is responsible for government oversight.
You’re so naive!! LOL! If GOPers never made totally unsubstantiated charges against Democrats, the GOP would have little reason to exist. Even Truman knew this for Pete’s sake. You do remember his line, right?
The last building stone to change US policy in the Midle East and reset relations with Russia to find a political solution to the sectarian and civil war in Syria. Bravo Obama.
As I predicted with the changes in his foreign policy team … Susan Rice moves on!
So naive!!!!!! http://linkapp.me/Ttc2d
jeebus, what a meandering incoherent column by milbank. Glad I don’t waste much time on such pablum. “There are real issues here, but maybe there aren’t and Repubs are just engaged in manufacturing phony scandals!” Well, which is it, Dana? Of course, hesaid/shesaid…
As for partisan civility, if it ever existed, its time is long gone now, an (intentional) victim of the 1990s Newt Turdrich Revolution and Boss Rushbo brainwave pollution which Milbank references. Frankly, since the Repubs’ political game of the 2010s is to replay not the 1990s, but the national paralysis and deadlock of the 1850s, let’s escalate the rhetoric to those days of yore–perhaps even canings could make a return to the hallowed halls of Congress….
Of course, even in those days abolitionists like Sumner just took the blows of the enraged slavers and let themselves get beaten to a pulp by bug-eyed Southern brawlers, thinking that turning the other cheek would get them somewhere with violent reactionary barbarians and “conservative” monsters. Which is about where DC Dems are today as well. At least Milquetoast Milbank approves, he likes the nice white napkins at his DC lunchspots.