I love this headline to make your head spin …
Ex-Russian spy Anna Chapman tweets marriage proposal to Edward Snowden
(NY Daily News) – Chapman, 31, was outed as a Russian spy posing as a real estate agent in New York City in 2010. Now, she’s a model and celebrity with the hots for the NSA leaker.
She LOVES spying so much, she wants to marry it! Knockout Russian secret agent Anna Chapman has the hots for Edward Snowden, the man behind the leaks of top-secret National Security Agency documents.
“Snowden, will you marry me?” Chapman tweeted Wednesday from Russia, with love.
“@nsa will you look after our children?” she later tweeted to an account not actually representing the agency.
This could be the only real recommendation for getting into serious, life-threatening hot water with the nastier elements of the PermaGov.
I am still BooMan and I did not propose to Ed Snowden.