I guess I will never understand how some people think. I keep encountering this bitterness that President Obama commented on the Trayvon Martin case by saying that if he had a son, his son would look like Trayvon. It should be remembered that the president made that remark during a press conference he held to announce that he had selected Jim Yong Kim to head the World Bank. He was responding to a direct question about the case, and the first thing out of his mouth was, “I’ve got to be careful about my statements to make sure that we’re not impairing any investigation that’s taking place right now.” So, how do we get from that, to this?
By injecting himself in a minor Florida criminal case by implying Martin could be his son, the president of the United States — a onetime law lecturer, of all things — disgraced himself and his office, made a mockery of our legal system and exacerbated racial tensions in our country, making them worse than they have been in years. This is the work of a reactionary, someone who consciously/unconsciously wants to push our nation back to the 1950s.
It is also the work of a narcissist who thinks of himself first, of his image, not of black, white or any other kind of people. It’s no accident that race relations in our country have gone backwards during his stewardship.
Ironically, after Mr. Simon asserted that Obama had “exacerbated racial tensions in our country, making them worse than they have been in years,” he went on to say a few paragraphs later, “A further irony is that recent polls have shown racism in our culture at all-time lows. You don’t hear that from the media or from our administration, however. This knowledge is not to their advantage.” You rarely see someone contradict themselves like that with so little self-awareness.
What I’d like to know from Mr. Simon is if he has considered, really considered, how this verdict is making black people feel today. Forget about the specifics of the case or the merits of the verdict for just a moment, and just listen to what black folks are saying about how they feel. I know how the right loathes the idea of empathy playing any part in our justice system, but nothing should preclude an opinion journalist from engaging in a little empathy. Listen to black mothers talk about how they prayed that their babies would be girls because it’s so unsafe out there for a young black man. Listen to black fathers fret about how to explain the verdict to their sons.
This case isn’t an example of people playing the race card in order to force the prosecution of an innocent man. This case is an example of the pain people feel in the black community when they learn one more time that their children are considered expendable. That the jurors may have interpreted the law correctly doesn’t lesson that pain at all. In fact, it makes it much, much worse.
You’ll never understand the thinking of people who get paid to ensure that racism is not dealt with in this country? The people who want to keep a racial division that the GOP can use as GOTV fodder?
What the President said was a mundane straightforward truth. In fact, if Barack Obama had a son, he would look a lot like Trayvon Martin (with maybe more jug ears). The President said it for one reason and one reason only; the communicate his solidarity with Trayvon Martin’s family’s grief.
The sort of racist drivel on pjmedia is not worth a comment. The are paid for what they do. They do it. The GOP uses it. It’s not supposed to make sense.
Agreed, I believe the President had extended his condolences to the Fultons either before or after that.
And in his statement today, which is, IMHO, widely being misinterpreted as a “respect the verdict” or “the jury was right” headlines the MSM are using, made I think a conscious effort to focus on the family of Trayvon Martin and their grief and feelings at having lost a child to murder.
“Respect the verdict” = “keep it cool”
There are marches in probably 40 cities today and 70 scheduled for tomorrow.
Those are going to help to keep it cool and channel the anger and grief into a movement to deal with these longstanding issues.
This is exactly what Obama’s trying to do, as indeed, were Trayvon’s parents last evening, as well as their attorney and all the other spokespersons from the Martin community I heard on my teeve last evening. And, by the way, Al Sharpton did a very credible job in explaining when and under what circumstances he began advocating for justice for Trayvon and his family. That was to counter the very clear implications about the media interjecting itself that the Zimmerman attorney (O’Meara?) said in the presser last evening. Talking about injecting race, that guy let his racist flags fly after all was said and done. Plus he lied in saying that Zimmerman did nothing wrong?
Fur re Obama, when I heard the replay of the remarks made in March 2012 and his statement today, I actually said aloud “Poor man, he can barely say the word black and not stir up some ginned up controversy on the right.” I may not like it but I do understand why the President and his administration have tred so lightly in all matters re race and race relations. He’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.
Conservatives, don’t “do” empathy.
Just like they suck at humor.
They suck at it, because they all have an “irony deficiency.”
To ask a sociopath like Roger Simon to show any empathy, is like asking a pig to sing an aria from Carmen, while dancing the Macarena.
Sadly, too many liberals don’t either and also have a misguided respect for the law. Where were they when Conceal carry and Stand Your Ground laws were instated. When will they work to end these laws?
So roger Simon is basically saying the president is blackity black black black. Him and his ilk have been encouraging riots to make it easier for them to murder and mowdown more black people in the streets. What is he going to talk about next? How terrible it is that no one talks about blacks killing blacks?
Of course Simon is saying the president is blackity black black black. That’s why they pay him the big bucks. And likely, yes, he will follow with the next talking point the shame of “blacks not taking individual responsibility to stop killing their own kind” to quote how it was once stated to me.
Individual responsibility is a curious thing with conservatives; it always applies to other people.
I posted this in the last Zimmerman thread, but I fits here better. I’ve posted it elsewhere and on my FB and twitter and I can tell you from comments I’ve received, that the feeling I express here is exactly what other are feeling as well.
Yesterday after hearing the verdict, I was not really shocked, but I just felt this numbness. I was upset and just had a long time trying to get my mind settles enough to finally get to sleep. This morning I woke up and I no longer felt numbness, I felt anger. And not the normal kind of anger at stubbing your toe, or angry cause I’m broke, but this quiet, festering anger that just seemed to get stronger as the day goes by and as I read the reactions from both side of the divide and I just had to stop watching tv or reading twitter. That anger is still festering and simmering under the surface. To know me is to know that I’m not a volatile person. I’m pretty even-handed when it comes to the justice system, I don’t trust it, but I realize that we have to live within it. But as African Americans, I suspect that majority of us feel the same particularly when it comes to the justice system.
I’m angry. That’s it. I don’t feel violent, I don’t feel reactive, I FEEL ANGRY! And right now, I don’t want to hear anything about this being “the right verdict” or about “respecting the verdict” or “why are people so surprised”. I don’t want to hear anything about SYG, or about white on black crime or any other reasoning people have been using to create “calm”. Can Black folk just for right now be allowed to be damn angry and not RATIONAL and not LOGICAL, just ANGRY. without someone trying to calm us down.
WE ARE ANGRY and damn I think we deserve at least the day to rant and rave in anger and not LOGIC. That way at least we can go to work on Monday in our probably majority white work place and public places and not feel the need to scream in white folks faces!
The underlying premise is that Trayvon had no right to his fear, to his ground, to his self, and that black folks now have no right to their anger.
Hell, Obama didn’t even have a right to his opinion, as even handed as it was.
Your kids must be perfect, with no hint of trouble, lest they be “thugs” who got what was coming to them. And now, you must be “calm”, lest you be a “rioter”.
I’m a white dude, but it’s not hard to “get it”. Well said, lamh31.
P.S. I love your posts.
Ditto thousand fold.
As a Black person, we’ve all had ‘ the talk’ with our parents when we get into high school.
Our parents, even the ones that usually ‘play’, are deadly serious with this ‘ talk’.
Us learning the lesson, as my mother told me..
could be the difference of me coming to pick you up at the police station vs. visiting you in the morgue.
there is no 6 degrees of separation for Black people knowing of an incident where someone – without the hint of a police record – winds up in the morgue for some sort of variation of ‘ resisting arrest’.
fundamentally, I don’t believe White people:
understand this
believe it
I’ve never once heard some White person tell me that they have the same conversation with their children…BECAUSE THEY KNOW IT’S A FLIP OF A COIN as to whether they will wind up going to the police station vs. the morgue.
because, when I’ve tried to have this conversation with White folks, they always want to go do , ‘ but they must have been doing something’.
um, no. they were BLACK…that’s all that they were doing.
So, to be told by White folks that we have to ‘respect the law’, and that the law can abuse us and our children is one thing….
The reason why the Trayvon Martin case cut so deep is because NOW, you’re saying that our Black children, have to grovel at the feet of some random White person, ‘ just cause’?
I’m white, but my nephews are bi-racial. And so I’ve spent a lot of time with the inlaws, and have seen first hand how people treat us just a wee bit different when our table at the restaurant is not all white, or me and my nephew are walking together somewhere.
And he’s just turned 17, like Trayvon. And he also says a crapload of stupid things on Facebook. If someone ever hurt him, they take all of his kid stuff and turn it into thug stuff.
So while I am not black, you’re not 100% correct that white folks don’t get it. Unfortunately it takes personal experience to SEE it, and not enough people live in an integrated family or life.
My daughter has a crush on a black boy. And god help me, I wish I didn’t worry about her actually becoming involved with him. I would support them, of course, but I can’t imagine living with this fear for a member of my family. I have so much respect for all the parents who do. And I’m so very sorry that our country makes it necessary.
I think it’s pretty hilarious: the white dogs wanted a race war and now that they’ve got one they’re pissing their pants. I am rolling on the floor laughing my ass off. Where I come from when you buy the ticket you take the ride. That white dog killed that kid in cold blood, and all the other white dogs rallied ’round to see him walk and now they’re shitting their collective pants because people of color in this country may very well have had enough!?
The ticket has been bought, bitches, take the ride.
‘Course, it* doesn’t look much like a white dog, like an Aryan, to me. Looks like one of those swarthy Mediterranean types: a Spaniard or a Semite (Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs), or maybe even a Pakistani or Indian (you know, a India Indian). It just doesn’t look white to me.
*Yes, “it”. It isn’t human. It is less than sufficiently evolved, less than human. An animal.
No fear.
Not much to add – lamh31 and rikyrah pretty much summed it up from my POV – just want to acknowledge that there is indeed a seething anger over this way and we’ll see what, if anything, it turns into.
Ironically, after Mr. Simon asserted that Obama had “exacerbated racial tensions in our country, making them worse than they have been in years,” he went on to say a few paragraphs later, “A further irony is that recent polls have shown racism in our culture at all-time lows.
Apparently ‘recent polls’ have never used Facebook or Twitter. But I guess from a very narrow viewpoint it’s almost fair to accuse Barack Obama of exacerbating racial tensions: by the simple fact of being black and winning the presidency twice, he seems to have made it OK for bigots to openly display racist behavior that they used to at least half-heartedly conceal.
It’s no accident that race relations in our country have gone backwards during his stewardship.
I’m still amazed at the 100% total lack of self awareness in right-wingers. You can safely bet that this author has participated in the reading and/or distribution of the circulating, ubiquitous right-winger “jokes” that are overtly racist (like the ones picturing Obama as an African tribal witch doctor). These have been all over the right wing dating back to before Obama won the nomination in 2008. Yet somehow the conservatives think Obama caused the racial tensions to worsen.
It isn’t the killing of Trayvon Martin that harms race relations; heavens no!
It’s that darn outside agitators who complain about it.
Yeah, Mr. Simon, it’s Obama who wants to turn the world back to the 1950s.