Diplomatic Breakthrough: Kerry says Israel, Palestinians to resume direct peace talks
TEL AVIV, Israel (JPost) – Israel and the Palestinians have laid the groundwork for a resumption of peace talks after an almost three-year stalemate, US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday.
“We have reached an agreement that establishes a basis for resuming direct final status negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis,” he told reporters in Jordan. “The agreement is still in the process of being formalized.”
Kerry convened a news conference in Amman after meeting Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas earlier Friday as part of a last-ditch effort to win Ramallah’s approval for a renewal of talks. Before meeting Abbas, Kerry held discussions with Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat in Amman on Friday and had been consulting Israeli officials by telephone.
A State Department official in Amman said Kerry would go to Ramallah in the afternoon to see Abbas, but did not disclose his proposals to revive peace talks that broke down in 2010.
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Former PA minister: PM Netanayhu met secretly with senior PA official (Photo US Embassy Tel Aviv)
Israel and Palestinians reach agreement to resume talks
AMMAN, Jordan (BBC News) – Israel and the Palestinians have reached an agreement which establishes the basis for resuming peace talks, US Secretary of State John Kerry has announced. Mr Kerry made the announcement in Jordan, where he has been meeting with both sides.
He gave no details of the agreement, but said both sides would hold initial talks in Washington next week.
- Abbas fails to win PLO, Fatah backing for resuming peace talks
- Netanyahu denies agreeing to peace talks based on ’67 lines
John Kerry heads for West Bank
Continued below the fold …
John Kerry heads for West Bank
AMMAN, Jordan (The Guardian) – On Friday morning John Kerry met chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat in Amman and then scheduled the short helicopter flight to Ramallah, shifting his campaign to renew the peace talks into diplomatic overdrive.
A Palestinian official confirmed that Kerry would meet Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas on Friday afternoon.
At a stormy late-night meeting on Thursday, Palestinians balked at dropping a main condition for talks with the Israelis, demanding a guarantee that negotiations on borders between a Palestinian state and Israel would be based on the ceasefire line that held from 1949 until the 1967 war, when Israel captured the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005.
The demand casts a cloud of uncertainty over months of US mediation efforts because Israel rejects preconditions.
Hoping to push Israelis and Palestinians toward talks, President Barack Obama asked Israel’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, to work with Kerry “to resume negotiations with Palestinians as soon as possible”, according to a statement released by the White House late on Thursday.
Previous Israeli governments twice negotiated on the basis of the 1967 lines, but no peace accord was reached. Besides disagreeing over how much hand to trade and where, the two sides failed to agree on other key issues, including dividing Jerusalem and the fate of Palestinian refugees.
Kerry: Israel, Palestinians close to relaunching peace talks
Cross-posted from my diary – EU-Israel Trade Agreement, Funding Ban W. Bank [Update].
See my recent comment – Washington watch: Israel’s dysfunctional diplomacy.
That is really good news. It brings to mind this quote: “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
A bit of justice is refreshing. Justice is hard to find.
There hasn’t been a lot of good news on the justice front as of late. I’m with you – I find the good news refreshing.
From a recent diary – Qatar’s Al Jazeera has made a fan of Hillary Clinton, a powerful ally.
So, I’m not the only cynic around afterall.
Ellis is wrong and wrote this likely before Kerry’s last visit to Ramallah. The first round of talks will be in Washington in a week more or less, where Kerry will participate. There will be no press statements from parties, only Kerry will communicate to the press as the negotiators are working on the final issues/wording of the agreement. In the meantime there will be no statements. It will be a long haul, but you won’t get there if you don’t start. On both sides the obstacles are immense from political foes, read those comments and you will be pessimistic. Because Kerry put his job on the line, he got this preliminary “success.” Yes, I’m optimistic and I hope all the pressure from Europe will help. Just as I have written these past years, The Dutch Likud minister Uri Rosenthal did plenty of harm, just as the likes of Geert Wilders and his US compatriots Daniel Pipes & Co.
Also from Mondoweiss …
I’m aware three years ago the direct talks lasted just 3 days. However, Obama was in a disadvantage and had to recover lost ground from which he hopes more than talks will be the result during his 2nd administration. It’s not the boycotts or BSD movement that will push both parties forward. The events on the ground in Egypt and Syria play a major role. The change of leadership in Egypt is part of the opening to succeed. Watch!
Read the Jerusalem Post and especially the readers comments: Analysis: Kerry’s Mideast breakthrough raises the stakes.
Well, we can dream, can’t we. The ultra-right wing Israeli Kenesset has already garnered enough votes from members, way more than is necessary, for a “no state” conclusion. The rap is the dnager of more terrorism from the Palestinians, the “security” card.
But the end-all statement on these negotiations was uttered from Kerry himself: “last chance” for the Palestinians. Is there any doubt that the Palestinians will be blamed again for the demise of Palestine?
Sorry Oui, but we will just have to disagree on the outcome. We have been here before, watching the rerun of an old movie.
My comment took a bit longer as I had to wipe away a tear … A Rebel Dies at 92
May she be as critical in heaven as she was here on earth. God bless her soul. RIP Helen Thomas.
It’s a good sign State Dep’t officials in Washington DC complain they are left in the dark about what the Kerry team is up to in the Middle-East! That’s diplomatic secrecy I can support.
Here’s one make or break issue, among many, that can and will lead to a dead end for the talks. And it is not the incessant building of settlements (the colonzation, land theft), which will continue as they speak.
There are 500,000 Israelis living beyond the green line, all over the West Bank, in large cities like Ariel, and hundreds of smaller towns and villages.
Appears we are already negotiating the small land swaps here @BooMan … 🙂
Both sides needed to compromise in order to start the peace talks, from the fact the parties are scheduled to meet in Washington, a breakthrough has been reached. It’s either negotiate or the E1 block of settlements will forever split the West Bank in half, foregoing a Palestinian state and enduring enmity between Jews and the Arab nations. Part of the ongoing discussion between parties was the ME security question and the revolt in Egypt and sectarian war in Syria.
The Arab League has been offerring its peace plan since 2002, with promises of peace and normalized relations with Arab nations, but were flipped off then, and many times since. What has changed? The EU-Ashton prohibition on accepting West Bank products from Israeli settlements? Israel’s solution: sell more to the US, Canada, and the other English speaking pro-Israel nations like Australia.
Until the Israel nation per se is hit hard with EU sanctions, these minor boycotts are trivial, and will not stop the continuing colonization of Palestine. The building of settlements continues while talks begin, and that, in my opinion, is the only key to Israeli seriousness and readiness to accept a two-state solution. But it will never happen.
Plenty of anger on Israeli side, perhaps Kerry did accomplish a breakthrough! Did Netanyahu compromise too much?