Today I saw a BBC news coverage of Nada al-Ahdal in court, the judge ordered her to stay with her uncle in Sana’a and her parents will also move to the capital of Yemen.

VIDEO: 11-year-old Yemeni girl flees home to avoid forced marriage

(JPost) – The Internet video of an 11-year-old Yemeni girl who ran away from home after her parents sought to force her into an arranged marriage has gone viral.

The girl, Nada al-Ahdal, is seen in the video, which was translated and first posted by the Middle East Media Research Institute, protesting her parents’ decision while accusing them of threatening her life if she refused to go along with their plans.

Link to video YouTube

“Go ahead and marry me off. I’ll kill myself,” she is seen saying. “Don’t they have any compassion? I’m better off dead. I’d rather die,” she continued. “It’s not [the kids’] fault. I’m not the only one. It can happen to any child. … They have killed our dreams, they have killed everything inside us. There’s nothing left. There is no upbringing. This is criminal, this is simply criminal.”

BBC Report: Court decides girl can stay with uncle in Sana’a