The morons are having some difficulty convincing people that a program that gives them money for health insurance is being financed on their backs.
Since it’s difficult to make an argument from self-interest against accepting free money to buy health insurance, anti-enrollment campaigns have pinned their hopes to framing the health law as a government handout – all financed by the young and the healthy. They’ll describe it as something akin to welfare or food stamps, and expect that middle-class Americans will then think twice about enrolling.
“This is not private insurance,” Brase, of Citizens Council for Health Care Freedom, says of the health plans that will be sold on the new marketplaces. “It is Medicaid for the middle class. The only way you get it is through an application to the federal government. Whether you pay the whole freight or get subsidized, you’re essentially buying Medicaid.”
Except, it is private insurance.
It’s hard to be clearer than this:
Abigail Nobel is a tea party activist in Michigan, who will soon start a speaking tour across the state, urging locals not to sign up for coverage. She expects to rely on a similar message to dissuade people from enrolling, particularly in situations where a federal subsidy might make health coverage more affordable.
“As soon as you mention a government program and Medicaid, you don’t have to talk that long,” she says. “I like that there is still a stigma [around Medicaid]. That people want to stand on their own feet. When you need help, you should go to your neighbors and church. It’s the American way of doing charity.”
The fundamental problem with ObamaCare is that it makes it unnecessary to go to “your church” when you get cancer.
…When you need help, you should go to your neighbors and church. It’s the American way of doing charity.”…
I’m thinking that my neighbors will send me packing when I go ask them to pay for my next colonoscopy. Not to mention my synagogue.
well, they’ll want to see the pictures, kind of an indiegogo facebook kind of thing
“This is not private insurance,” Brase, of Citizens Council for Health Care Freedom, says of the health plans that will be sold on the new marketplaces. “It is Medicaid for the middle class. The only way you get it is through an application to the federal government. Whether you pay the whole freight or get subsidized, you’re essentially buying Medicaid.”
Continued Brase, “Wait…stop cheering you idiots! I’m trying to tell you that you’re going on universal, federally-funded health insurance! Why are you doing the wave?”
“Medicaid for the Middle Class” sounds like the campaign slogan of liberal who scores a surprise win in a congressional race.
“As soon as you mention a government program and Medicaid, you don’t have to talk that long,” she says. “I like that there is still a stigma [around Medicaid].”
Except that Medicaid polls nearly as strongly as Medicare. Strong majorities of Americans do no want to see cuts to Medicaid. So this is just another lie wingnuts tell themselves, and the press repeats their stupidity and gives it credence.
Kind of like the common reporter and pundit reacting to Representative Steve King’s extreme racism by repeating the falsehood, “Well, he’s just representing the views of his District.” Except for the fact that nearly 60% of those in King’s District think Congress should provide a pathway to citizenship for law-abiding undocumented immigrants.
The MSM amplifies right-wing lies. What is their rational motivation to stop lying?
They report; you decide — what they’ve set you up to choose.
That does give me an idea for how to get rid of the tea baggers. All you have to do is pass a law forbidding them to shoot themselves in the head. Then when they did start offing themselves because freedom, Obama could cause the suicide rate to spike be urging them, begging them, imploring them to stop.
Is that too harsh?
The stupid burns.
That is a keeper. Amazing wisdom in that man. I’ve got to get back to rereading his work.
and it’s not a handout if it comes from your neighbors or faith location?
OK , wait, I asked my neighbor for a handjob and got the door slammed in my face. What did I do wrong?
“As soon as you mention a government program and Medicaid, you don’t have to talk that long,” she says. “I like that there is still a stigma [around Medicaid]. That people want to stand on their own feet. When you need help, you should go to your neighbors and church. It’s the American way of doing charity.”
My 79 year old mother in law has been fighting breast cancer for the better part of 15 years. It is now in her bones and is stage IV. She worked her entire life. Raised 6 kids as a single mother. My guess is that she never made more that $30K in any year of her life. She now lives on less than $12K a year in Social Security. Most of her medical bills have been covered by Medicare. But tens of thousands that weren’t covered by Medicare were covered be Medicaid. Those that Medicaid did not cover were covered by cancer charities. She has racked up in the neighborhood of $750K dollars in medical bills. She also gets about $60 a month in food stamp assistance; but only because my wife did the legwork on it.
There are thousands and thousands of people in this country just like my mother in law. And according to Abigail Nobel, they are supposed to seek out a fucking church to help with this?
It is not at all my nature to wish ill on anyone. But I sincerely hope there is a special place of eternal torment for people such as Abigail Nobel. Fuck her!!! Fuck her from here to eternity!!! She does not have a FUCKING CLUE about the tribulations and pain of people like my mother in law.
I really, really do not like to say this, because it is completely against my nature. But I do absolutely HATE people with views such as Abigail Nobel’s. I HATE THEM!!! They are not, in my eyes, to even be considered human. They are heartless fucking demons from hell.
Mike, I’m so sorry about the suffering in your family. I lost my 52-year-old sister-in-law to cancer a few months ago. I’m in your spot when it comes to Abigail- reading the story made me furious with her. People like Abigail have allowed their fear and hatred to strip all of their senses, their reasoning and compassion, and a number of other things.
If these poor souls wish to allow their pure foolishness to damage themselves and their families, that would be regrettable but difficult to prevent. Unfortunately, Abigail and the brothers and sisters in her rotten lost cause are asking people to take actions which would physically and financially harm a great number of them. Ignorance is not an excuse- these people are despicable.
Appreciate the sentiments. I just get so tired of these people, like this dumbass lady in Michigan, who blindly cite these stereotypes of people who are in need. I hear it every damn day of my life. Often from people who are on the receiving end of government monies and don’t even seem to realize it, or just don’t want to.
My MIL is one of those people. Medicare and Medicaid has kept her alive. She has taken waaaaay more out of the system than she ever put in. And I’m okay with that. This is how it is supposed to work. But even she has an uninformed, Tea Party view, of the whole situation surrounding health care and assistance programs. I don’t know. I guess in her mind she somehow “deserves it more” than those “others”. But I’m not going to argue with an old woman. She spends her days glued to Fox News, and there is no point trying to actually talk about it. All it would do is agitate her and create disharmony. And that would serve no purpose in her case.
But we always take the time to make the point that the government program that has kept her alive is probably the biggest experiment in “socialism” that this country has ever undertaken. And she can thank Democrats for the fact that it exists at all.
Mike, I wish your mother in law the very best in her fight. She deserves all the help she can get. It seems as if freedom has been redefined as the freedom to do whatever you want without paying attention to the needs of others, and screw those who need help. I hope that Ms. Nobel never finds herself in that position, it might change her mindset if she did.
many young ppl don’t have health insurance because they can’t afford it, not because they don’t want it.
Isn’t there some ancient saying about history repeating itself as farce?
No, it just means that you’ll have to watch the Ice Capades again.
“What I need from you is to know what you can do, you and your fellow non-communist colleagues in the lower House, what you can do to stop these communist tyrannical executive orders laid down by this foreign-born, America-hating communist despot?”
Oh jesus…
Every Sunday, in our church bulletin, there’s a list of a hundred or so folks dealing with serious illnesses from cancer to ALS to injuries of one kind or another that require hospitalization, not to mention child birth, Alzheimer’s, and seemingly every other malady under the sun.
With no safety net, then, our small church would somehow be expected to pay for the treatment of these folks. Given the hundreds of thousands of dollars (more likely millions) involved with treating these people, how, exactly, would that work?
The Abigail Nobels of the world don’t bother their pretty minds with reality and details. That would seriously interfere with their libertarian fantasies.
ppl eligible for Medicaid need it, they don’t turn it down. that is a truly bizarre talking point