Progress Pond

Get a Clue

I can’t help but feel that the Republicans’ problems with women have reached a tipping point where they are beginning to treat them like they treat blacks and Hispanics. They don’t have any interest in representing their viewpoints, but they need some to trot out for the cameras so they can lesson the blow of whatever stupid hostile legislation they’re promoting. Like this:

When the House Judiciary Committee passed a late-term abortion ban in June, Republican leaders scrambled to find a female, media-savvy lawmaker to bring the legislation to the floor. Their biggest problem: Not a single Republican woman was represented among the committee’s 23 Republican members. They eventually settled on Rep. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, who isn’t on the Judiciary Committee.

That’s more sad than infuriating. Just pathetic.

So, recruit away, Republicans, but your problem isn’t that too few conservative women will leave their husbands in charge of the kids while they campaign. Your problem is that most women think your policies are mean-spirited and destructive and directly aimed at making them miserable.

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