Even Reuters misunderstood and reported a softened stance by PM Netanyahu, just more lies and ambiguous statements from gov.il.

Israel suspends new deals with EU over settlement ban

(Times of Israel) – Israel will not sign any further agreements with the European Union until the EU “clarifies” its new regulations, according to which no Israeli body that operates or has links beyond the Green Line can receive EU funding or have any cooperation with the EU.

The move may threaten Israel’s participation in the EU’s massive Horizon 2020 program to promote scientific research and development. Academics have warned that if Israel opted out of Horizon 2020, the negative impact on the country’s scientific standing would be “devastating.”

Despite heavy criticism from Israel, the European Union will not cancel, modify or delay the implementation of recently published guidelines that block EU funding from Israeli institutions either located or maintaining any links beyond the Green Line.

Palestinians complain to Kerry about settlements

RAMALLAH, Palestine (YnetNews) – In a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, the chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, said Israel’s latest settlement announcements were an indication of “Israel’s bad faith and lack of seriousness” in the talks.

The letter was sent Thursday, the same day that State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki announced that Mideast peace envoy Martin Indyk and deputy special envoy Frank Lowenstein were heading to the region for talks August 14 in Jerusalem, followed by a later meeting in the West Bank.

A military official confirmed that the Israeli Defense Ministry had approved construction plans for more than 1,000 new apartments in settlements. This means the plans move forward, but still require final approval before construction can begin.

Earlier this week, the Israeli Cabinet expanded its list of West Bank settlements eligible for government subsidies. The Cabinet approved a range of housing subsidies and loans for more than 600 Israeli communities deemed “national priority areas,” including poor towns and 91 settlements.

Israel approves controversial new settlements ahead of peace talks