Progress Pond

Infinite Schadenfreude

As you may know, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has been having an ongoing feud with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul over whether or not libertarianism is consistent with keeping the country safe from 9/11-type attacks. But Gov. Christie is only the latest Republican to complain about Rand Paul. Back in March, when Sen. Paul conducted his melodramatic filibuster on drones, Sens. John McCain and Linsey Graham blasted him on the Senate floor.

Whatever you think of the merits of these arguments, the following approaches infinite schadenfreude:

“I’m on team Rand. Rand Paul understands. He gets the whole notion of don’t tread on me government. Whereas Chris Christie is for big government and trying to go-along-to-get along in so many respects,” [Sarah] Palin said.

Of course, almost no one would know who Sarah Palin is if John McCain hadn’t decided to listen to Bill Kristol’s advice and make her his running mate.

How’s that working out for them?

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