Here’s a ringing endorsement from Sen. Ted Cruz’s freshman roommate at Princeton University:
Craig Mazin said he knew some people might be afraid to speak in the press about a senator, but added of Cruz, “We should be afraid that someone like that has power.”
And the idea that his freshman roommate could someday be the leader of the free world? “I would rather have anybody else be the president of the United States. Anyone,” Mazin said. “I would rather pick somebody from the phone book.”
Could it possibly be, in part, related to the paisley bathrobe?
In addition to Mazin and Leitch, several fellow classmates who asked that their names not be used described the young Cruz with words like “abrasive,” “intense,” “strident,” “crank,” and “arrogant.” Four independently offered the word “creepy,” with some pointing to Cruz’s habit of donning a paisley bathrobe and walking to the opposite end of their dorm’s hallway where the female students lived.
“I would end up fielding the [girls’] complaints: ‘Could you please keep your roommate out of our hallway?'” Mazin says.
When the girls complain about your creepy paisley bathrobe, there may be a problem.
I am not surprised by the creepy stuff. Sounds exactly like most authoritarian/libertarian assholes in college I interacted with. I’m sure after being told of his creepy behavior he was like “god fucking feminazi sluts. They just the nice guys.”
Hate the nice guys*. I wonder if he sported a fedora.
Sounds exactly like most authoritarian/libertarian assholes in college I interacted with.
I know, right? As soon as I read that description, I saw three or four individuals’ faces I haven’t seen for (redacted) years floating through my head.
Ha-ha, doesn’t sound like too much hookin’ up for Creepy Cruz of the paisley bathrobe….
Which just fueled even more bitterness and internal rage against lib’ruls and the Femi-nazis, a word long ago coined by Cruz’s Hee-ro, Boss Rushbo.
These conservative white males are the bane of the nation, not just the college dorms, Ivy or anywhere….
Haha our minds went to the same place. God damn feminazis telling TedFucking Cruz what to do! No one does that, especially women. Wtf are thy doing at Yale anyway? Go back to Vassar…or the kitchen.
Way to piss off a whole town and an army of alumni.
If you read the article, you’ll see he eventually became “something of a stud” in debate circles. Women are attracted to mastery and Cruz, being a complete asshat, became the #1 ranked debater in the country.
Scary guy. He would have us longing for the relative sanity of Bush/Cheney.
Well, he has to be the Republican frontrunner NOW.
Exactly right. He is the asshole’s asshole, and has been for decades. That is the only pedigree that matters on the right.
Won’t hurt him anymore than the recollection of Romney attacking a gay classmate hurt him. Not as long this is the extent of his creepy college behavior.
Agreed–it’s not like Female College grads make up any plurality of the Tea Party/Republicans
But Republicans are not adults until they hit 40 years-old. And everything else is a “youthful” indiscretion.
Sometimes it depresses me how bad we Texas Democrats are at oppo research.
Sounds like the typical member of a campus conservative group – the Young Americans for Freedom in the case of early 90s GWU.
Woohoo! Gonna be a wild ride to 2016. Yee-haw.
Sounds like there weren’t too many “wild rides” for young Ted Cruz. Do you think maybe forced celibacy unhinged his mind?