I’m tired of conservatives and their callous attitude towards everyone whose life is broken in some fundamental way, whether it’s drug dependency, psychological problems, the death of a spouse, or simply some combination of lack of skills and opportunity. I’m tired of conservatives telling everybody to get a job and stop looking for help.
I wish I could force these people to go sit for an hour and a half in a suicide ward or a soup kitchen so they could see both what broken people look like and the compassion of the people who help them.
You don’t have to be Mother Theresa to avoid being an asshole.
This is who they are.
Fuck ’em.
totally fuck ’em.
They live in a world of delusion that they did everything by themselves on their own.
what you should be asking is why is Chris Hayes putting this asshole on national tv
sorry…Kornacki put this asshole on national tv
Because the doucher-canoe is the GOP candidate for Senate from New Jersey?
On the contrary, we should be thanking Kornacki for putting this man on national TV and allowing him to speak his mind freely.
If the GOP wants to further alienate single mothers from their base of stale-pale-males, then by all means: Please proceed, Candidate.
his family wasn’t anywhere near poor and his father died when he was fucking 17. probably got the SS benefits from Daddy until he was 22 – he’s before Reagan changed all of that until 18.
like I said before- fuck ’em
The current bunch of GOP conservitards have zero sympathy for any problem that they have not personally experienced.
I think that’s a DSM category, but if not, it should be.
Anyway, it’s clear that what is needed is for the GOP conservitards to have inflicted on them EVERY awful problem, every tragedy, disaster, mischance and ill.
Perhaps then they’ll grow up and be fit to join humanity, if the rest of us haven’t gotten sick of their whining by then.
Interesting article at Science Daily about how empathy is wired into the human brain. We know that psychopaths have a problem with empathy, which makes it easy for many serial killers, corporate CEOs and politicians to do what they do.
But the trick is that people extend empathy to include as people who are part of themselves. It’s the old “us v. them” thing. It’s why conservative parents can love their gay son but can’t extend that to gay people generally. The whole “some of my best friends” thing.
The problem for liberals is to convince conservatives to open their hearts for others.
Asked how he would help single mothers balance the demands of family and work, Lonegan advocated for “cutting the size of government across the board, freeing up businesses and cutting regulation.” He specifically proposed sunsetting regulations for the Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, so that lawmakers could review their impact.
Right. Make it easier for Mom to get a job–scratch that–a dangerous job polluting the environment. That’ll put food on the table.
It’s their answer to everything. It’s not a plan. It’s a catechism.
The problem is that the conservative mind thinks that “everyone else” is a cheat while they themselves are the rare exception.
Example of Craig Nelson complaining that when he had it tough he was getting welfare and food stamps and no one helped him!!!! Obviously he’s imaging the help those OTHER people get as being a lot more.
Example of the long stream of women who have come into abortion clinics over the years after protesting outside the same clinics … but who explain to the staffs that THEY weren’t being irresponsible lazy sluts like all the other women.
Example of the wingnut towns sucking off the government teat getting far more in federal tax dollars than they pay to the government while complaining about high taxes (and yes, my nearby city of Colorado Springs is probably #1 on that list).
Example of the asshat who stirred up a wingnut crowd bitching on Obamacare then had the audacity to pass around a hat for donations because he’d been laid off, had no health insurance, and his daughter needed surgery.
Conservatism is a genetic defect.
That Craig T. Nelson rant was THE classic of the genre. It crystallizes a not-well-hidden premise of GOP talking points on government assistance programs in general:
White people receiving food stamps = helping good people in need
Non-white people receiving food stamps = enabling lazy takers, preventing individual initiative
OK, then.
Loved this moment of compassionate conservatism from this morning. Senator Cruz was on my telly, and I got to hear him talk about how the people who are suffering the most from Obamacare are minorities, and that he wants to shut down government until Obamacare is repealed on behalf of African-Americans, Hispanics and other minorities.
This is completely counterfactual; minorities have been helped most substantially by the ACA, but that did not deter Cruz. Nor did Candy Crowley ask a follow-up question bringing up that fact.
Complete horseshit which hurts Americans: IOKIYAR.
They probably will have fifty articles tomorrow about race baiting. During the marches today, half of the placards and shirts were about Trayvon Martin.
I wore my Olivia Wilde ACLU shirt that they mailed me after I emailed them saying I wished they carried more merchandise for me to buy.
Saw an obnoxious bumper sticker this week that made smoke come out of my ears:
“Republican: We work hard so you don’t have to.”
What could you possibly say to someone like that? Hopeless.
You’re assuming these people actually would like not to be assholes. Not a safe assumption.
Here ya go:
After losing his eyesight to disease as a young man, Lonegan got disability payments from Social Security, he said as he sat in a pizza parlor by Camden’s City Hall, where moments earlier he had railed against handouts.
He did go to school and get jobs while legally blind (as did, for instance, former Democratic governor David Patterson of New York, who’s not an asshole about these things). But, yeah, he got money from the Evil Gummint.