Secretary of State John Kerry certainly spoke with appropriate moral authority about the chemical attacks in Syria, but he didn’t answer any of my questions. He didn’t explain any theory of why the Syrian government would invite the UN inspectors in only to unleash a chemical attack right under their noses. He didn’t tell me how the administration knows that the rebels didn’t obtain the weapons. He didn’t tell me why it is too late for the UN to investigate a crime that happened last week but not too late for them to investigate similar crimes that happened months ago. He promised that the administration would provide evidence in the coming days, but today he simply declared that it was obvious to the whole world that the Assad regime was responsible. That isn’t even close to being true.

The one thing I learned from Kerry is that the administration has already concluded that the Assad regime is responsible and no debate on that topic will be possible in the corporate media.

So, it’s to the guns and bombs we go. This is not going to be a wrist slap. This is war, my friends. To the end.