I wish their fears were more justified, but let’s roll with it, just for the giggles.
They are startled and unsure how to react. “Terrifying,” is how one banker put it.
Many in New York’s business and financial elite, stung by the abrupt ascent of Bill de Blasio, an unapologetic tax-the-rich liberal, are fixated on a single question: What are we going to do?
The angst, emanating from charity galas and Park Avenue dinner tables, has created an unexpected political opening for Joseph J. Lhota, the Republican nominee, whose once-sleepy candidacy is now viewed by players in both parties as their last, best hope for salvaging the business-friendly government of the Bloomberg era.
Even before his victory speech on Tuesday night, Mr. Lhota was moving quickly to exploit his newfound role. He planned to speak on primary night with Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, whose blessing could confer credibility with the Manhattan establishment.
His fund-raisers are wooing real estate and business moguls turned off by the leftist tenor of the Democratic primary campaign, and some Democratic officials have already quietly approached him to offer help.
“I’ve heard from people who would usually be inclined to support the Democratic candidate,” said an upbeat James S. Tisch, the chief executive of the Loews Corporation and a finance chairman of Mr. Lhota’s campaign, as he greeted well-wishers at a breakfast fund-raiser that attracted 200 guests — both Democrats and Republicans — on Monday.
With the news that over the last four years “income for the 1 percent grew by 31.4 percent, while everyone else only saw it grow by 0.4 percent,” I hope Mr. de Blasio is an unapologetic tax-the-fuck-out-of-the-rich liberal, but I don’t think things will work out that way.
Apparently even if your income was $800,000 you saw it go down in the Obama era. The 1% get richer indeed.
I don’t know where the cut-off is. But 97% of people make less than $200,000.
Those who do are concentrated in some areas though.
I’m a democrat because of social issues. I wanted Obama because I knew where he stood on dated New Deal programs from the old Democratic party. I’m happy he’s pushing for chained CPI and a grand bargain.
If the democratic party became more populist, well, where I live lots of people like me would flee and turn to the loving arms of the GOP. Populism is as dirty as sexism or racism. The New Democratic party is finally free of them, the New Deal Democratic party was plagued by all three. We aren’t going back, ever again. If we go back on one, than fuck it count my vote out.
It’s people like you who through greed and avarice invite the very thing you rail on against.
The New Democratic party is finally free of them, the New Deal Democratic party was plagued by all three. We aren’t going back, ever again. If we go back on one, than fuck it count my vote out.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!! You can take your vote and shove it up your ass.
I wish I could excellent-rate that several hundred times.
Once would help since Martin finds it inappropriate.
Not exactly inappropriate, since I certainly understand the sentiment. It’s just against the rules. I let that go on and pretty soon this site sucks like so many others.
In other words… “fuck you, I got mine”. I’m sure Mitt Romney’s 47% comments didn’t offend your conscience one bit.
What you don’t realize is that the current trend (the 1% taking more and more of the pie) will lead to the conditions that made New Deal politics possible. It’s not noblesse oblige that created post-war prosperity.
This report should make you happy.
The cut-off is a lot higher in New York. It really is very expensive to live there.
“I’ve heard from people who would usually be inclined to support the Democratic candidate,” said an upbeat James S. Tisch, the chief executive of the Loews Corporation and a finance chairman of Mr. Lhota’s campaign, as he greeted well-wishers at a breakfast fund-raiser that attracted 200 guests — both Democrats and Republicans — on Monday.
What “Democrats” are those? Bob Rubin and Lanny Davis? Mark Penn?
Penny Pritzker and purple pals. Dr. Merryl Tisch, wife of the Republican James Tisch cited here, supporter of mayoral candidate Billy Thompson, and member in excellent standing of the Excellent Excellence in Accountable Education Duncan-Rhee Caucus. Tons of wealthy people who love being invited to single-sex weddings of the prominent but object to a progressive income tax. Rubin of course. People whose asses Davis and Penn kiss with abandon. Now we have the Democratic War Caucus too, not normally a factor in local New York elections, but with Raymond Kelly acting as official party troll it could be, since (just 12 years ago) They Attacked Us and Joe Lhota was there making sure the right people (regardless of political affiliation) were profiting off it. Pumas. People who write the really big campaign checks. Our party is in real danger.
I don’t mean Obama, who believes he can ride this tiger in a direction of his choosing and who has shown some ability to do so, and who certainly does not belong to the War Caucus whatever Greenwaldians may imagine.
Our party is in real danger.
Yes, just look at commenter SiDC above.
Off-top, but WTF:
Medical Examiner In Zimmerman Trial Sues For $100M, Claims Prosecution Threw Case [VIDEO]
No No say it isn’t so. /snark
On second thought, why can’t Zimmerman be one of those idiots that shoots himself with his own gun that I keep reading about on Kos? Truly proof that there is no God.
Since he’s Not A Racist and all, I think he ought to go all Marvin Gaye and let dad do it.
It might be tacky to quote Caligula, but on this issue I agree with him:
“Let them hate so long as they fear.”
The 1-percenters don’t fear enough for their own good.
I’m reminded of Roosevelt’s speech at the (1936?) convention. “The forces of … that have pulled down this country hate me and I welcome their hate! … and if you re-elect me I promise that they will not only hate me, they will learn to FEAR me!”, followed by wild applause.
Good Lord, I can’t stand these Whiny Ass Titty Babies.
they make me sick.
LOL “With the news that over the last four years “income for the 1 percent grew by 31.4 percent, while everyone else only saw it grow by 0.4 percent…”
Is that an accident or a a feature?