Progress Pond

Casual Observation

These Republicans in disarray articles never get old. Here’s the best part of this one:

Many GOP lawmakers share that frustration privately and several have gone so far as to call their party “leaderless.”

“Here we are complaining about a president who can’t lead [on Syria], who leads us into this morass and we’re doing the same things to ourselves on ObamaCare, on the debt ceiling,” one conservative complained.

House leaders hatched a complicated plan that would have required the Senate to vote on defunding ObamaCare, but the bill was immediately shot down by Tea Party members and conservative groups. Lacking the votes, a vote on the legislation was canceled last week.

Now, rank-and-file Republican members are worried on how the House GOP will avoid government shutdown at the start of October. They say that a shutdown could provide an opening for Democrats to win back the House majority.

Still, conservatives, including Rep. Dennis Ross (R-Fla.) who believe they were elected to upend ObamaCare, say they have to take advantage of this moment.

“We have the opportunity of a lifetime. We have public sentiment, we have the facts and figures on our side and we have the leverage with the debt ceiling. Let’s put it all together and make it happen … the one person who’s done more to delay implementation of ObamaCare is Obama,” Ross said.

Priceless stuff.

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