Progress Pond

You Insisted on Ugly

It isn’t necessary to actually leak the email correspondence between Harry Reid and John Boehner’s staffs in order to humiliate Boehner. It is sufficient to merely threaten to do so. I understand the anger Democrats are feeling, and I guess we should expect them to eventually start violating long-standing norms about acceptable behavior when confronted with a Republican Party that has no respect for long-standing norms of acceptable behavior.

A lot of people grew accustomed to the Democrats making accommodations to keep the government functioning, but they appear to have reached their bottom line. We are in the first year of the president’s second term, and we have to break the back of crises governance now or we’ll be stuck with it for the next three and a half years. What this means is that historical norms and niceties are no longer the top Democratic priority. Victory is now the top priority, and that means that Boehner should expect to be ducking 95mph fastballs aimed directly at his head.

Update [2013-10-1 11:56:11 by BooMan]: They leaked the emails.

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