Progress Pond

Left-Wing Coup Better Than Right-Wing Coup

My influence knows no bounds. Of course, I did convey this advice to some people in the White House. I have no idea where that went.

About two weeks ago, as tea partiers in the GOP-controlled House were forcing a government shutdown, some House Democrats sent a private and informal message to House Speaker John Boehner: if you need to break with the die-hard conservatives of your caucus to keep the government running and avoid a debt ceiling crisis, we might be able to try to help you protect your speakership, should far-right Republicans rebel and challenge you. This offer was conveyed to Boehner just as he was entering what has turned into the toughest stretch of his speakership, according to two senior House Democratic lawmakers who each asked not to be identified.

I wrote about this idea here, here, and here.

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