Overheard about town:
MAN NUMBER ONE (observing MAN NO.2 eating some kind of dessert item out of a Starbucks bag, good-naturedly inquires): “What is that? Like a $10 cake?”
MAN NUMBER TWO (taken aback, collects himself, and finally responds with a wry smile): “I’m a Republican, I can afford it.”
It was such a short and poignant exchange. Just a little light ribbing between two long-time acquaintances.
MAN NO.1 feels that Starbucks is a place to go to spend way too much money on coffee and cake. When he sees someone eating or drinking Starbucks products, he thinks “profligate spender” and can’t help declaring, however indirectly, his disapproval. He thereby seeks to establish his moral superiority and perhaps to edify his friend.
MAN NO.2 is put on the defensive. Here he is, caught eating overpriced cake. How can he explain himself? The answer presents itself. He, unlike his friend, has enough money to spend it on luxuries. But, how to put it so as to declare his own moral superiority? “I’m a Republican,” he says, “I can afford it.”
This short exchange brought out some of the shortcomings of people both on the left and on the right. On the left, it was the tendency to lecture people about their mundane choices. “You aren’t eating healthily.” “You aren’t being a good environmental steward.” “You aren’t being frugal.”
On the right, it was the idea that your wealth makes you immune from the moral choices that apply to everyone else. It was the idea that your political opponents only feel the way they do because they resent you for what you have. Frugality is for deadbeats.
With all the talk we hear from Republicans about budget deficits and government waste, we might be conditioned to think of them as frugal, but this psychology that connects wealth with morality is more important for understanding the conservative mind. Many of the wealthy self-identify as Republicans because “Republican” means that they are self-sufficient and don’t need anything from the government. “Republican” means they are a success, that they have “made it,” that they are respectable. Being a Democrat means pretty nearly the opposite. This is where that 47% talk from Mitt Romney was coming from.
Coming from New Jersey, these are the types of conservatives I am most intimately familiar with. I didn’t grow up around social conservatives or resentful middle class strivers. I grew up around bankers and lawyers and business executives who were Republicans because being a Republican signified that they were part of the elite. It was the same reason that people chose the Episcopalian Church over the Methodist one. It was about status.
These folks have made an alliance with social conservatives, largely from the South, but they have done so through gritted teeth. They have never had any respect for the social conservatives or for Southern culture, and they find it increasingly embarrassing to self-identify as Republican because it has come to mean that you are a religious fanatic or an economic illiterate or a science-denier or a homophobe or a racist or the kind of guy who thinks rape can’t cause pregnancy.
All that “elite” status is wearing off. The presumption of moral superiority has been reversed.
In these parts, we can still hear a man claim it’s okay for him to eat overpriced cake because he’s a Republican, but it no longer makes the same kind of sense that it once did. It’s gotten to the point in the Mid-Atlantic that the charge shifts from “why are you eating overpriced cake?” to “how the fuck can you be a Republican?”
Republicanism is no longer respectable. It no longer signifies status or moral superiority. Around here, it’s just a big question mark.
Maine Governor Paul LePage gets into the act, again.
I’m being reminded of Bugs Bunny quite a bit these days: WHERE’S MY HASENPFEFFER?!: Shishkabugs
In Republicanland, everyone is king.
And I always thought that to self-identify as a Republican meant you were stupid… stupid as in egotistical self-entitled status hungry and ignorant. It’s obviously time I re-adjusted my stereotype…
It’s the difference between Poppy and Dubya.
One is too high class to understand supermarket scanners. The other is so low class that he has no respect for professors or scientists and their hifalutin facts.
Sure, it’s partly an act, but in one family you can see the change.
A young Poppy Bush might not be a Republican at all in this day and age. It would reflect too poorly on his education and refinement.
Republicans judge people by mundane choices, too. “Poor people with smart phones” is a great example.
Or air conditioning! And TVs!
There are even reports of Repubs seeing a poor person order a latte! With food stamps! The poor are so coddled by lib’ruls they’re fat, too!
Yeah, that’s a pet peeve of mine: “Lots of poor people on SNAP and other assistance are fat, so they’re not underfed!” In reality, many fat people are severely malnourished; it’s a major contributor to obesity. The Farm Bill and other laws and policies contribute to that by, among other things, subsidizing the production of less healthy foods. It’s no accident that crap food is cheaply purchased and healthy foods are more expensive.
But to know these things requires an interest and belief in science, and whether you’re a “conservative” Christian or Objectivist, the leaders of your faiths want the status quo to become worse, not better.
And Starbucks is a lib’rul operation that no True Rushbo-ite would patronize….
Yes, presenting oneself as Repub in a Blue State must somehow become perceived not as a sign of success, but a sign of stupidity.
It seems however that the “conservative” movement is so far down that road already that anyone that could be moved by this argument has already become (for public consumption) an “independent”. While still voting Repub in the privacy of the sub/exburban or luxury condo voting booth, of course.
That’s what happens when politics is forced to be framed in the frame of individual responsibility instead of political and social collective choice. That might be hippie-ish, but it certainly isn’t on the left in ideological terms. In fact that is more a center-left hodge-podge attitude that is asserted by the right as an attitude of “lib’ruls”. And the “You aren’t being frugal” is more likely asserted by the right in attacking recipients of government benefits as a symbol of their being the “unworthy poor”.
And you completely left out the two biggies that liberals do assert: smoking of tobacco products and the proliferation of firearms.
Beware false equivalencies. Life and politics is much more complicated that these formulas used for framing.
This has never been about right versus left but up versus down. The up part has the money but not enough people. How to get more people? Wedge issues. Simply get a series of wedge issues that blinds the stupid people from the bottom to vote against their own interests. This works for a while but eventually it just degenerates to something like Walmart, just a pile of common denominator white crap. That was fine until that pile of crap got enough political power to cause some real damage. The Republicans of the Goldwater era knew better and pushed the crazy to the fringe. It’s too late for them to do that now and I’m glad because I’m more than sick of the entire bunch.
I Texas and like-wise states a Republican may not be eating overpriced cake but he very well may be driving a $60,000 luxury pickup truck towing a 300hp bass boat on an overbuilt highway built with federal dollars from places like NJ.
Or he might be driving a 15 year old rusty pick up truck to an insecure job that he works 60 hours a week to just barely make ends meet. Strangely he supports the GOP who rarely are in his economic self interest.
Ah. The myth of the GOP who does not support the working class.
The problem is, really, that the Democrats do not support the working class either. What did we do during the housing crisis? Pretty much nothing for the average homeowner. What have we done about jobs? Nothing again. Obama is busy passing the TPP or NAFTA on Rocket fuel. You think you saw jobs vanish after NAFTA? Wait until the TPP passes – you will be amazed. Democrats support the H-1B, J-1, L-1 and other job theft visa bills. These are destroying our young people by enabling employers to give jobs to non-citizens over citizens, and giving them tax breaks to do it.
Why should the working class voter support the Dems?
Well, this is infuriating. “What did (Democrats) do during the housing crisis? Pretty much nothing for the average homeowner.”
Dodd-Frank is nothing? The CFPB is nothing? The Justice Department’s assessment numerous fines bringing in tens of billions of dollars, including the recently announced largest fine in the history of our country, are nothing? The criminal investigations currently being pursued by the California Attorney General and other AG’s are nothing? You want to see “nothing” from the Federal government? Think 1930 through 1932. Allowing 25% unemployment- THAT’S nothing.
And this: “What have we done about jobs? Nothing again.”
The second stimulus, passed almost entirely with Democratic votes, saved up to 3.3 million jobs according to CBO estimates. There were also some narrower jobs programs passed under that Congress, and Obama has presented a number of jobs programs which the House refuses to consider. As far as the TPP, you do know there are tons of Dems in Congress that are in direct and public opposition to TPP on a number of levels, right?
This absolutist, generalized “the Dems are just as bad” view is dead wrong. There’s a massive gulf in between the Parties’ platforms as they affect the lower and middle classes. You can’t see that?
Dataguy is a pretty staunch Both! Sides! Do! It! person.
Pures, as I like to call ’em.
Rather than pointing out the little things that Democrats did in the face of massive Republican opposition unlike any seen, instead ask…
What would the fucking Republicans be doing right fucking now if they had 70 Senators, 250 Representatives, and the White House?
Prosecuting Wall St. criminals? Helping out the working class with stimulus bills? Investing in infrastructure and clean energy to not only help the environment, but to create job? Etc, etc, etc.
No, dumb fucking hicks who support the GOP because they’re dumb fucking hicks are also likely stupid and covertly racist.
Investing in clean energy? What investment in clean energy? During the stimulus, we invested in a solar plant, from a Spanish solar provider. What fucking good was that? We have not promoted our own industry? The solyndra thing was not Obama’s fault, but a market screwup.
And which Wall St criminals have we prosecuted? Exactly zero. Not a single one has been in court. A few puny fines, so fucking what?!! 3 days of profits, and they are off again. We have done NOTHING to stop more Wall St criminals.
Millions have lost their houses. Millions have gone into foreclosure. So much more could have been done. Yes, Obama has been stymied by the Senate and the House, but I simply do not agree that we did a lot. There were millions of stalls, lost paperwork crap, and I don’t see how it would have been worse under the repukes. Obama could have gone after those turds aggressively, but he did not, and that cost many foreclosures.
I am not a “both sides are equal” person. I simply do not see what we are doing economically that would make a working person in a blue collar job vote Democratic. This is EXACTLY why we lose the working class vote. Why vote Democratic? We help the banksters JUST the same as the Republicans. Have we put a single one of those turds in court? No.
Democrats do school correctly, although Obama is backing charter schools. We do some components of financial regulation correctly.
Democrats passed NAFTA. That did more to destroy the American working class than anything the Republicans have done since Reagan. And now Obama is working to pass the Trans Pacific Partnership, which will erode or eliminate US pollution laws, will increase the flow of job thieves under the H-1B system, will increase outsourcing and will further destroy the middle class.
So, let’s review but one pertinent comparison.
The Consumer Protection Financial Bureau is created by almost 100% Democratic Congressional votes and is signed into law proudly by Obama.
The Republicans respond to the law by losing their shit completely, turning their opposition up to 11+ and announcing that their caucus in the Senate will filibuster to prevent approval of ANY CFPB Director nominee Obama puts forward unless they get unilateral changes to the law meant to eviscerate Bureau powers to protect consumers from abuse by financial consumers.
Obama and Reid wait out the children. A chief creator of the scope of the Bureau, Elizabeth Warren, is preemptively placed through a feces-throwing disinformation campaign, and her potential nomination is scuttled. Obama and Reid wait out the children, and they finally cut a strong deal which pushes through the nomination of Richard Cordray, a fine and skilled public servant.
dataguy responds to this by writing “I don’t see how it would have been worse under the repukes.”
dataguy should gain a consultation with a political opthamologist STAT.
“I’m a Republican; I can afford it.” The B side of that single is, “You’re on welfare, how dare you afford it?” It doesn’t matter if “it” is a hunk of overpriced coffee cake, an air conditioner, or anything else deemed to be a “luxury” item by the lip-pursing, squinting, judger of all things and persons. If he thinks you’re living above your station, it’s only because you ripped him off in this zero sum game we call society.
If some poor ne’er-do-well has a refrigerator, that makes Mr. Big’s Land Rover ride just a little rougher on the Interstate. The caviar turns to ashes in his mouth. And two weeks skiing in Aspen might as well be a stint in the Black Hole of Calcutta.
Exactly this.
Not only is it a zero sum game in the “society” that Republican pig people exist, but everything is relative to their standing against yours.
The obscene wealthy use their bank account and net worth numbers as a score to keep track at how much better they are than you. Even if they inherited it and can easily survive on the interest alone.
Let’s not forget one small detail of the GOP subsidy and welfare denial, that I’ve amended for you:
“Mr. Big’s TAX WRITE-OFF Land Rover ride”
If I see one more gas hog SUV with a magnetically attached business billboard plastered on the side, I’m going to start knifing tires.
I find this to be such an interesting post… and, to me, off-the-wall simplistic.
I am a liberal, living in SF, CA. Oops, probably why I don’t necessarily get the post. But I do travel extensively in US, including Texas, and deal in a business that is predominantly populated by republicans.
To me, the “liberal” in your post is just an asshole. And the “conservative” is a brand nuance I haven’t met. Trust me, I deal with quite a few repubs…and your post inspires me to take a survey….
Leaving aside that not being a good steward for the environment could well doom our entire civilization. Is it really a short coming then?
“All that “elite” status is wearing off. The presumption of moral superiority has been reversed.”
You’ve opened an interesting subject.
I never knew anyone that flaunted wealth when I was growing up. I hardly knew any wealthy people, they were all just average working/middle class. I did have one wealthy uncle. He came from a lower middle-class family and became successful as an electronics salesman, and I wuldn’t say that happened until some time after I was 10. He was a lifelong Democrat and always extremely generous.
My mother had a cousin who became very wealthy and status-conscious. He didn’t come from a rich family either, but after his second marriage they would have nothing to do with us. They lived on Park Avenue. When his mother died, we went to the funeral (my mother was close to her) and to his apartment (for the first time). He stayed in his room the whole time watching the stock reports, and I did talk to his wife but she was extremely supercilious. I’m sure they were republicans.
I bring this up because it was only during the Reagan era that I first heard anyone PUBLICLY sending the message “greed is good”, “poor people are losers”, and a sort of worship of the rich and famous.I mean, I knew there were such people, but I didn’t know any.
It seems like you’re saying that the attitudes of the country-club Republicans went public in the 1980s. But I think it must hbe more complicated than that, because the Reagan message was aimed at the working stiff as well, and it was supposedly an anti-elitist message. It was a message that Democrats were the elitists, not the Republicans. Democrats are the ones that want to ruin your lives with their endless regulations and take your hard-earned money in taxes.
Corporations are people just like you.