In hindsight one of the best diaries that predicted the Neocon foreign policy, continued under Obama and Ms Clinton, to “democraticize” Syria and bring freedom to the Syrian people. A regional catastrophy in the making. Please let no one write the Obama administration isn’t culpable for the human suffering inside Syria and the six million displaced persons and refugees. Neocon Stephen Hadley had a position within USIP and making US foreign policy under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Ms Clinton used her “knowledge” of Serbia and Kosovo and challenged the world community in Syria by-passing international law. What a quagmire in the new Middle-East. The year 2005 was marked by renewed upheaval in Lebanon, the assassination of Rafic Hariri while under occupation and rule by Syria. The European Union and the US were in talks with Bashar al-Assad for government reforms. New economic agreements and transformation were agreed upon and Israel held secret meetings to settle the Golan Heights issue.
Hadley asked Italy/Turkey/France for Regime Change in Syria (2005)
NSC Chief Hadley asked Italy for a Bashar Replacement and @EuroTrib by susanhu on Oct. 23, 2005
National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley asked the Italians to help with regime change in Syria:
I have it on good authority that Steven Hadley, the director of the US National Security Council, called the President of the Italian senate to asked if he had a candidate to replace Bashar al-Asad as President of Syria. The Italians were horrified. Italy is one of Syria’s biggest trading partners so it seemed a reasonable place to ask! This is what Washington has been up to.
« click
Heading for Damascus and the military option (Reuters)
The new United Nations Mehlis report linking top Syrian officials, including Assad family members, [Is now known to be false – Oui] to the killing of Lebanon’s leading reformer eight months ago has sparked a “transformation” in how the world is willing to deal with Damascus, which Washington wants to cultivate, said a senior U.S. policymaker who spoke on the condition of anonymity because diplomacy is ongoing – Joshua Landis.“Out of tragedy comes an extraordinary strategic opportunity,” the official said. “This murder changed everything.” Former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri was killed Feb. 14, 2005.
The long-term U.S. goal is to break the 35-year hold of the Assad family and allow Syrians to freely pick a new government. But in the short term, the administration is somewhat reluctantly opting to let the U.N. investigation and the subsequent judicial process, combined with punitive U.N. sanctions, erode Assad’s power — and see if he then changes Syrian practices in the region, U.S. officials said. — Joshua Landis
Let’s take this in. Hadley is calling the Italians, asking for a name as a replacement figurehead? Stunning.
Continued below the fold …
This Stephen Hadley? Whose ass is about to be indicted? Who was a member of the infamous WHIG group that sold the Iraq war? Who has his smudgy mitts all over the Niger forgery story and connived with Karl Rove to smear ambassador Joseph Wilson and his wife?
Yup, that Stephen Hadley. In BooMan’s “Holy Crap: My Pre-Indictment Stress Syndrome is Acting Up ” he quotes Larry Johnson: “My friend told me that Hadley fully expects he will be indicted.”
Landis’s SyriaComment.com has become one of my must-reads. He writes well. He travels to Beirut regularly. He talks to international reporters daily. And Landis talks to Syrians on the streets of Damascus.
We’re not playing “DOOM” here, for chrissakes. You have to know the territory. As Patrick Lang — a former DIA Chief of the Middle East and Terrorism as well as first professor of Arabic Languages at West Point — pointed out last night here in “Syria and the Stone Wall“:
“The Syrian government has a long established and time tested methodology for dealing with external demands placed upon it. It ignores them.”
Further, as Joshua Landis logically notes, what can Syria possibly do to placate the Bush administration? “Bashar cannot possibly do what Washington is demanding of it — give family members to an international court. My guess is that the regime will stick together on this.”
Turkish Press reports that ”both Ankara and western capitals [are debating] by whom al-Assad can be replaced. This matter was also discussed during (U.S. President Bush’s national security adviser) Hadley’s visit to Ankara.”Professor Landis has come into possession of a “most extraordinary letter from Syria’s Ambassador in Washington Imad Mustapha to Congresswoman Sue Kelly.” The letter from Rep. Kelly and 100 House members is highly critical of Syria. Prof. Landis has posted the ambassador’s reply, [editor’s note, by susanhu] [The ambassador’s reply letter to Congress is up now.] and makes some key observations.
As Patrick Lang wrote here in “Say it isn’t so… Please“:
Hey folks, here we go. This guy is a nobody in Syria but the Neocon, Jacobin crowd are pushing him as a neo-Lincolnesque figure …
○ Leader of the Opposition Reform Party of Syria: ‘The Syrian Regime Is Nurturing Terrorism’; ‘We in Syria Need Peace More than the Israelis’ Sept. 14, 2005
« click for story
A Syrian refugee girl, with a poster of Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, attends a protest against Bashar al-Assad at a refugee camp (Reuters)
- ○ Arab Leaders to Show Solidarity With Syria at Summit Meeting March 22, 2005
○ The Game Changer: Syria, Iran, and Kurdish Independence
○ President Obama stated that a 41 year-old dynastic dictatorship in Syria had reached it expiry date Aug. 18, 2011
○ Neoconservatives Despair Over U.S.-Iran Diplomacy
In a freshly posted diary Obama Administration Reportedly Halts Aid to Syrian Rebels over at Daily Kos, commenter InAntalya, who regularly covers the Syria-Turkey beat, reports
Here is the report from the Turkish hurriyetdailynews.com
US Halts Aid To Syrian Rebels
There is more at the link above including the three conditions or signs that the US is looking for to resume aid.
The border closing is significant. When supply lines are cut off, things change. As Hamas in Gaza has been learning with the Egyptian closing of the tunnels.
The first two comments on the Daily Hürriyet story about sum up the new consensus, imo.
The Peace Train Rolls On
Susan Hu used to do some ace writing here back around 2005/2006. Not sure what happened to her after she jumped ship to Larry Johnson’s usually vile PUMA-turned-Teahadist website. Seems to have fallen off the face of the earth. She was one heck of a writer, as your post today reminds us.
Obama and Kerry have broken with 35 year policy of doing Israel and Saudi’s bidding in the Levant. The major shifts in the region are quite impressive. The US decision not to do a bombing raid on Syria was crucial. I have long advocated Iran would be a better long-term ally to the West than the House of Saud. The policy decisions of the last 60 days have opened this opportunity.
The Bush years and the decision to invade Iraq was the moment the bald eagle lost its feathers and the Saudi King was confronted with a Shia majority government as northern neighbor. Saudi Arabia changed policy and began overt funding and supplying arms to the Sunnis in Iraq. In Lebanon and Syria the Gulf states were already heavily involved with investments and meddling in domestic politics.
Wahhabist teachings in mosques intensified the Sunni/Shia divide to undermine the Assad regime. In Lebanon the House of Saud was split in support for Rafiq Hariri (King Fahd) and Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal (crown prince Abdullah). New Saudi King Abdullah won out.
Dark Prince Bandar was sacked as US Ambassador in 2005, reasons unknown to me. He has made a come-back to lead the jihadists in the Syrian civil/sectarian war. Saudi Prince Bandar reportedly threatened Russia with terror activities during the Sochi games, so nothing new here to see by threatening the Levant and counter US policy.
○ US Will Be Ousted by Saudi King Abdullah in Middle-East by Oui on Feb. 27, 2013
Posted earlier in Tikun Olam – Iran and Syria: Best of Times, Worst of Times
Oui collects such a fine assortment of articles and then packs so many into their posts that it’s easy to miss a good one.
So I especially recommend the link in the comment above US Will Be Ousted by Saudi King Abdullah in Middle-East for some great background.
Thanks so much!
I spend some time to wrote this serie of 6 diaries Middle-East Policy …