Since even some Republican senators admit that their party is not ready to lead the Senate, maybe we need to figure out how to rout these bastards in next year’s midterm elections. Sure, the odds are stacked against us, but take a look at Shenna Bellows who is announcing her bid to take out Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) tomorrow. How do we make that happen? Don’t tell me that you don’t want to give money and lend support to Ms. Bellows’ campaign.

It might be hard to find realistic challengers in Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Alabama, but we ought to at least try. We need to find an Al Franken-type for South Carolina, since we have no elected bench. Someone ought to run against Lamar Alexander in Tennessee. None of these fools deserve to be reelected and their constituents seem to know it. Let’s expand the map and make these Republicans defend their turf.