Booman posted an article today (Fri.,10/25) titled A Word on a Non-Story. It is about his own reaction to the whole Obamacare website kerfuffle. It basically refers to his refusal to pile on along with observers from every side of the political spectrum regarding the total incompetence of that site’s rollout. In it he states:

The problems will get fixed and we’ll all move on.


You missed it again, Booman.

Indeed, Rubiconlians have once again found a hook upon which they are successfully hanging their hype hat for a period of time…criticism of the amazingly badly produced website.


But it isn’t the only hook available. In fact, it is only one of many that proliferate on the hatrack of big government. Their opposition to the Dumbocrats…the growing success of that criticism…is linked to the rapidly accelerating  failure of big government to be able to do anything right. It has not been working well since at least the assassination of JFK; the citizenry of the U.S. is (finally!!!) waking up to that fact and the hits just keep on coming.

And that is the real story here, Booman. It is not a “non-story,” it is rather just another episode in the story of a failing culture.

Read on for more.
Big Gov…and its ongoing, rapidly accelerating failure…is “the story,” and it is a story that is going to keep on breaking until either the Big Gov problem is solved or the system itself breaks.

It has been over 50 years since Dwight Eisenhower warned us regarding the dangers of what he then termed “the Military-Industrial Complex.” Now bigger than ever, it is nothing less than a corporate-owned and operated Permanent Government and…on plentiful evidence…it simply does not work very well. Not for for the majority of the citizens who live under its shadow, anyway. Only for its owners.

Big Gov at work…the failures abound:

Who was behind the rash of assassinations in the ’60s/’70s? Supposed super-sleuth Big Gov agencies have come up with no answers…or at the very least they have not communicated them to the people.

How could the gigantic U.S. “lose” a war with North Vietnam? That’s like a major league baseball team “losing” to a high school team. How? The complexity-induced inefficiency and waste of big government is how.

Unable to stop the drug scourge that flatlined the inner cities of America in the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s? Or perhaps better, unable to resist taking its own profit from that scourge?

Unable to stop the flood of jobs and revenue out of the country during and after the Clinton administration? A flood that flatlined most of what we now lovingly call “The Rustbelt?”

Unable to successfully prosecute an effective war against Islamic fighters who drove 30-year old jalopies with machine guns welded onto their roofs and carried bombs in their underwear? Please!!!

Unable to deal with the criminal enterprise named “Wall Street,” the efforts of which eventually resulted in the flatlining of the entire fucking economy in the mid-2000s?

And the beat goes on. And on and on and on and on and on. The hits just keep on coming.

I got yer “Big Gov,” right there!!!

Lemme ask y’all a simple question. Have any of you ever had dealings with any of the bureaucratic appartuses of big government? Of course you have…they intrude on every minute of every day of our lives now. I don’t care if it’s the IRS, the military, law enforcement, big academe, big med, Social Security, the FDA, ICE, NSA, the U.S. Postal Service, Homeland Security, the Department of State etc…like I said, the hits just keep on coming. A morass of incompetence on any and every level. Meanwhile, I can usually contact a well-run business…the biggest businesses, like Apple or Google…and get whatever information or service that I need in a matter of minutes.

And that one fact is what is going to be the reason for the eventual downfall of the Democratic Party unless it wises up and does so very damned soon.

Can big government be made to work well? I really don’t know, but the Democratic Party must:

1-Prove beyond the possibility of doubt that Big Gov failures…failures of scope, failures of bloated inefficiency…can indeed be solved


2-Jump on the bandwagon in terms of downsizing Big Gov/Nanny State/Surveillance State.

If it does not, within about 10 years…quite possibly sooner…it will be taken down by some form of opposition.

Now…I am not saying that the Rethuglican Party as it now stands is in any way “better” than the Dumbs. They are both rotten to the core and they are both…rhetoric notwithstanding…up to their ears in Big Government. Republican preznit or Democratic preznit, Republican Congress or Democratic Congress, the IRS it still a smoking heap of badly functioning bureaucratic shit and so are all of the other federal systems. The Ratpubs are just playing politics…trying to stay in the game until the other team errors its way out of power and/or a real homerun hitter shows up on their own team.

Meanwhile what used to be considered “fringe” elements of both parties are gaining power…especially on the right, because now that the right is somewhat out of power it is looking for new ideas.

And also meanwhile…the Dems are suffering from hardening of the political arteries. This site’s rapid transition from opposition site to lapdog site during Obama’s tenure is proof of that as far as I am concerned. New problems are arising…problems of size, problems of mediocrity and worse in the federal workplace…and they are being met with cries for more size, more interference with the lives of everyday, working…or at least trying to work…citizens.

It ain’t gonna fly.

You say above:

The problems will get fixed and we’ll all move on.



Who told you that?

That is the problem.

Big Gov problems do not get fixed. They just fade out of the news cycle after a little tinkering and hype…replaced of course by the latest hottest-thing-ever fuckup…and continue to work badly. Eventually they all combine into a gigantic feedback system that amplifies itself like a mainlining junkie’s ongoing jones, and that feedback system will eventually blow the whole enchilada right down the wormhole.

Bet on it.

Somebody who knows how to work a can opener has to do the job.

Who dat?

The “loyal left?”

Not on the evidence that I am seeing.

Not in a million years.


Here come da queen of Big Gov.

They are going to roll her out like a new model Chevy. Bet on that as well.

She has proven her loyalty to the PermaGov…and her efficiency as an administrator/hypemaster as well… with her SecState tenure. She next, if she’s healthy enough.


And Big Gov will jes’ keep rollin’ along.

Bet on it.


Until it’s not the right answer.

Any day now.

Aaaaany day now…
