Progress Pond

A Word on a Non-Story

More than three weeks into the official roll-out of ObamaCare, I haven’t written a word in defense or as criticism of the website The reason is pretty simple. I am perfectly content to have the Republicans pushing to make the website, and therefore the law, work better. I know that the administration is mortified about the problems they’ve encountered and totally motivated to fix them as soon as possible. They don’t need scolding from me.

I’m not in the camp that thinks there is some moral duty not to criticize the administration over these problems, but I definitely don’t see why anyone should feel obligated to pile on. The problems will get fixed and we’ll all move on.

In the meantime, every time the Republicans criticize the website they are defending the law, and I think that is great. I’ll be happy to give them credit for speeding up the fixes and helping to make sure the law is implemented correctly. Good job, morons.

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