I wouldn’t use the word “insurmountable” in this sentence.
Maybe “irrepressible” would be more appropriate.

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, predicted Tuesday that things could get ugly if Republicans block a vote this week on one of President Barack Obama’s key judicial nominees, Patricia Millett.

The pressure to change Senate rules and strip Republicans of their power to filibuster certain judicial nominees “would be almost insurmountable” if Republicans block Millet’s confirmation vote to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, Leahy said at an event advocating Millett, currently a Supreme Court appellate attorney.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has already threatened to invoke the so-called nuclear option if Republicans don’t let at least one of Obama’s D.C. Circuit nominees get a vote. Millett, who will come up for a vote as soon as Thursday, is the first of Obama’s three D.C. Circuit nominees to hit the Senate floor. Nina Pillard cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee and is ready for a floor vote, while Robert Wilkins is set for his committee vote on Thursday.

But, as Kathleen Sebelius likes to say, “whatever,” I just hope Patrick Leahy is correct.