Progress Pond

Midterm Strategery

I’m willing to be convinced otherwise, but I don’t think it’s a smart move to try to make John Boehner into the same kind of bogeyman that the Republicans turned Nancy Pelosi into in the 2010 midterms.

Rather than trying to make Boehner the face of evil, we should make him the face of impotent incompetence. In other words, it doesn’t matter what Boehner believes or wants because he isn’t running the show. We need to take his gavel away because he’s too incompetent to use it effectively. A vote for a Republican congressperson is a vote for default and government shutdown and gridlock and a bad economy. Boehner can’t keep his promises, so there is no need to even listen to him. The president figured that out. Even Boehner figured it out, which is why he will no longer even try to negotiate with the administration.

I don’t know. Maybe I only think this is the better route because I am paying attention. Maybe the facts don’t matter. But I still think a campaign that is rooted in the truth is an easier lift than one that tries to build a narrative from scratch.

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