Some of Mitt Romney’s and the Republican Party’s most generous donors are lining up to give Michelle Nunn money for her campaign for Saxby Chambliss’s Senate seat. It appears that at least part of corporate America has been convinced by the government shutdown that they don’t need more Republicans in Congress right now, and that is going to create a world of hurt for the party of Big Business.

Obviously, I am uncomfortable with this effort to co-opt the Democratic Party, but I actually see it is a sign of sanity and applaud these men’s recognition that the Party of Lincoln is now the Party of Crazy. They aren’t good for business. They aren’t good for Labor. They aren’t good for hungry kids. They aren’t good for the military. They aren’t good for anything.

The more people realize this, the sooner we can destroy these clowns and the less likely that they will destroy us before we can get the job done. I hope we can get some candidates in other states like South Carolina and Tennessee and Kansas and Wyoming and Idaho, because the tide is turning and we need to be able to take full advantage it. We shouldn’t assume anyone is safe just because they come from a deep red state.

The Republicans broke their party and it is broken in every state.