Texas tea party activists eager to send another firebrand in the mold of Ted Cruz to the Senate have launched a movement to draft evangelical historian David Barton to run against Sen. John Cornyn.
Barton, who hosts a daily radio broadcast, has wide name recognition and respect on the religious right as a Constitutional scholar dedicated to restoring the America the Founding Fathers envisioned, though his scholarship on that point has been widely discredited in the world of academia.
I kind of doubt that David Barton’s scholarship takes into account the fact that the author of the Declaration of Independence rewrote the New Testament and removed all the miracles, or that Andrew Jackson was the first president who believed in the Trinity (and he only converted after he left office). Of course David Barton’s scholarship is widely ridiculed in academic circles.
Barton has deep political roots, having spent nearly a decade as vice chairman of the Texas Republican Party. He is a skilled orator. And he’s got the stagecraft down pat: He travels the country to deliver rousing tributes to patriotism, often in red, white and blue Western shirts.
He sounds perfect. He’s exactly what the country needs.
We do know he’s Glenn Beck’s favorite historian. So he also has that going for him. Are we allowed to root for this primary take place and if it does to root for injuries?
I believe we have no other choice, Calvin.
The country doesn’t need him.
But Baja Oklahoma sure does.
When a state has Inofe and Coburn, it’s a challenge to top that level of redonkulousness. And this latter day Judge Roy Bean, er . . . holy man sounds like he’s up to the job.
I’m willing to stake him the ten 55 gallon drums of whiskey his constituency will need.
He’s a complete fraud. That’s his entire career.
Hence the Christie Barton presidential ticket that will win precisely 2 states (maybe)
Christie Barton does how an awfully sexy sound to it, though.
true, it does [brain bleach!!!]
‘Barton, who hosts a daily radio broadcast, has wide name recognition and respect on the religious right as a KKKonstitutional sKKKolar dedicated to restoring the America the Founding Fathers NEVER FUCKING envisioned, AND WOULD THINK WAS A FUCKING NIGHTMARE!!!…’
But I’ll give the “man” credit – he’s a great Jesus-grifter!
Of course, a properly trained Mynah Bird could make a fortune off the rubes and suckers in the
‘TEH STOOOOOOOPID!’ circles this Jesus-grifter makes his livelihood off of.
I think digby stated it best: this dude makes Cruz look like Nelson Rockefeller.
See, BooMan. Praying does work. Now we need a Democratic populist candidate who can roil the waters.
This is as good news as Allison Grimes and Michelle Nunn.
C’mon South Carolina Democrats, there is already a Tea Party guy running against Lindsey Graham. Put up the best you’ve got.
Alabama? Mississippi?
Narrrative: GOP faces serious opposition in South after shutdown.
Jay Stamper is running against Graham. IIRC, Graham does have a primary opponent. A primary opponent who has basically said that Graham needs to be honest with the people of S.C. Yeah, he’s already gay-baited Graham.
Another Richard Mourdock perhaps?
So I just read yesterday that Jefferson said every constitution should last barely 19 years…