Traditional Medicaid was available to four groups with very low or no income and little to no net worth. These groups were 1) Aged 2) Disabled 3) Adults (mostly with a qualifying dependent) and 4) Children.
The Medicaid for first two groups, “Aged” and “Disabled,” mostly picks up where Medicare falls short for the poorest people. May only be Medicare premiums for some beneficiaries. For others it’s long-term care in a nursing home. The 2010 US average Medicaid cost for Aged beneficiaries was $12,958 and Disabled $16,240. The highest costs were generally incurred by northeast and upper mid-west states (and Alaska). As higher cost of living states, the northeast would be expected to spend more than average. Perhaps they and the upper mid-west states also treat their poor elderly and disabled better.
New York: $21,931 – Aged; $30,288 – Disabled
Minnesota: $16,591 – Aged; $25,943 – Disabled
California: $9,844 – Aged; $15,891 – Disabled
The available summary data don’t permit much more than the observation that per capita Medicaid costs for the elderly and disabled vary widely among the states. By design as a federal and state cost sharing program, it allowed states the flexibility to manage certain components including the option to provide higher levels of care. And while the per capita Medicaid costs for the elderly and disabled are high, the beneficiary numbers are low, another impediment to any cross state analysis from summary data.
What should be of more interest to the public is how well states have been managing Medicaid for adults as that will be the largest group that will increase with the ACA Medicaid expansion. On this metric, New York isn’t at the top of the heap; although it still does exceed the average of $3,025 by $1,460.
Keep in mind that a major rationale for both “Romneycare” and the ACA is that expanding the pool of those with health insurance will reduce the per capita cost per insured. By 2010, Massachusetts had expanded Medicaid for adults (not all the way under the ACA expanded Medicaid guidelines but close). Reducing the amount of health care provided and not paid for.
So how was MA doing on the narrow measure of adult Medicaid? Much better than NY with a per capita cost of $3,145. However, the per capita spending for children was $500 more! Plus it’s Federal DSH Allotments haven’t changed from that of other states. (And why is NY getting 50%+ more than CA and TX in DSH allotments? Total dollars not per capita dollars.)
What does pop out is that there appears to be a correlation between a state’s usage of insurance company managed care for Medicaid beneficiaries. More managed care = higher per capita costs. (Someone with better computing power than I have could do a good statistical analysis.)
Consider NM – 76% managed care
Adult – $5,565
Child – $4,551
Then there’s KY with only 18.1% in managed care
Adult – $4,742
Child – $3,016
CA and TX are similar in their usage of managed care for Medicaid 27.1% and 27.8% respectively. The similarity ends there.
Adult – $3,263
Child – $3,016
California is either doing more things right than any other state in managing its public health care dollars for its poorest citizens or it’s the cruelest state of all.
Adult – $1,136
Child – $1,585
KFF/Medicaid/State-indicator/spending on acute care
KFF/Medicaid/State-indicator/payments per enrollee
The NY Times explains the DSH that I noted above.
The subsidy [DSH], which for years has helped defray the cost of uncompensated and undercompensated care, was cut [under PPACA] substantially on the assumption that the hospitals would replace much of the lost income with payments for patients newly covered by Medicaid or private insurance.
There are a few problems with this assumption. As was since back in the 1990s when Medicaid beneficiaries were allowed to choose their hospital, fewer chose the public facility. It’s one reason why LA County-USC Medical Center has been struggling financially. Another issue is that running repayments through Medicaid instead of providing direct provider subsidy will cost more.
Nonetheless, the change has been made. DSH payments will be reduced. Here is the KFF DSH table by state for FY2008-2011. Total in 2011 was $11 billion. Nationwide.
But now the hospitals in states like Georgia will get neither the new Medicaid patients nor most of the old subsidies, which many say are crucial to the mission of care for the poor.
Might cause a few states like Maine to reconsider and act quickly on the Medicaid expansion. Others — just one more chance to kick the poor.
Rahm saved Chicago some money by closing six public mental health clinics in 2012. The costs to the lives of those cut off from the services provided by those clinics will never be calculated. Nor will the additional costs incurred by the police dept. that serves as mental health provider of last resort. Nor will the increased costs of providing these services to this population of patients that will qualify for ACA expanded Medicare. At least those that survived the period from the clinics’ closures to the introduction of expanded Medicaid.
Kaching for Chicago as it dumps these patients on 100% federally funded Medicaid. And Rahm won’t be around when that federal funding begins to be reduced.
Kaching for one or more health insurance companies if Illinois follows Arkansas’ lead and shunts these newly eligible Medicaid beneficiaries are into managed care plans. (In 2010 IL had only 4% of its Medicaid dollars managed by PPOs.)
There is nothing fiscally responsible about saving $1 from pot of government monies when it will cost $2 or more from other pots of government monies. But it was sadistic to close those clinics before those patients had access to expanded Medicaid.
Occupy Chicago and STOP made a valiant effort to thwart the will of the sadistic bully. To save a piece of the public health care system safety net from the clutches of health insurance companies and privatized providers that take a cut of those public dollars and add nothing to medical care provided in the bargain.
Decades ago, San Francisco rejected tearing up its trolley lines and cable cars and replacing the service with buses. Los Angeles went with the buses and tore up its Red Line. SF has had a functioning and heavily used public transit system over those decades. LA RTD became known as Ready To Die before finally beginning to rebuild a rail transit system. Communities that kill off their public health facilities will one day learn that “ready to die” will literally apply to their local health care system.
The Problem with the PPACA
Some of the proposed correctives aren’t explained enough or fleshed out enough for me to comment on. However, all exhibit evidence that Stuart Zechman has been thinking through the problems with the US health care system.
His comment in the thread interested me even more:
What he and others never seem to recognize fully is that institutional systems develop over time. With each component conforming to the total model as it develops. The Canadian single-payer system is a couple of decades younger than the UK NHS and would never have been adopted if there were huge disparities in the quality of medical care on offer and high levels of income and wealth inequality. The Canadian system today also consumes a larger share of Canada’s GDP than the UK system.
The other two important factors is how well the health care system meshes with a country’s aggregate wealth, income and wealth inequality, cultural and social stratification, and social national identity. The UK NHS model would have worked in post WWII France, but probably not as well (or as necessary) as it has in the UK. As long as it was a single model, any one would have worked as well in Japan as the one they adopted.
The system in Switzerland was closer to the dominate one in the US until the mid-nineties when the government was forced to crack down because of the system’s runaway (and unaffordable and unsustainable) cost inflation. That’s why today health care costs in Switzerland are 12-13% of GDP (everyone covered) and 17-18% of GDP (1/3 or more un/under-covered).
Obama considering admin fix
Well this is a welcome step. I wonder how far on the income ladder this will go, how much leeway they have to work with, and how much in subsidies they will offer. Means-testing any benefit is always terrible, but in this case it’s particularly jarring. Reversing that trend to avoid the “cliff” is some progress…
How many more publicly funded fixes will be required to make the “free market” for health insurance and health care work?
Government spending on health care in the US, pre-ACA, on a per capita basis was already more than all but one or two countries with UHC spend. Add to that the fact that they all have a larger proportion of elderly in their populations and US measures of health are mostly worse, and the situation is even more ludicrous.
Richard Mayhew at BJ has also been very informative on this stuff.
Cost sharing subsidies and the near poor
It is a sliding scale. People who barely breaking even get 80% off their out of pocket responsibilities. For instance, a family on a Silver Plan with a $3000 listed deductible would only be responsible for $600 of the deductible. I think the family is still on the hook for the $600 instead of transforming the deductible into a sliding scale co-insurance. A family making just under 250% of federal poverty line would get a 10% discount on their out of pocket expenses. These subsidies transform a Silver plan for a family making under 150% of FPL into a Platinum plus plan, and for families making between 150% to 200% FPL, their Silver plans get transformed into very good Gold plans to weak Platinums.
On improvements that can easily be made:
Obamacare Improvement Act of 2017
Good thing the GOP is so incompetent that they never bothered to read the PPACA details and find the hooks that would enrage the “middle class.”
Then there is that supply bottleneck — the shortage of primary care providers. Someone, either those with their new ACA federally subsidized health insurance that discover there’s no room for them in doctor’s the waiting room or the “middle class” that has long enjoyed health insurance with its hidden subsidies discover that the waiting rooms have become more crowded.
A bit more from the NYT article
What part of the federal fully funded Medicaid expansion does Bubba Deal not get?