As the official mouthpiece of the latter Bush administration, from its inception until he was hung out to dry on the Valerie Plame matter, we already know that Ari Fleischer has no remaining soul. In retrospect, Baghdad Bob looks like a paragon of circumspection, rectitude, and honor when compared to Ari Fleischer. In retrospect, the only time that Mr. Fleischer told the truth while serving Bush was when he was announcing the president’s schedule.

So, I don’t know why anyone, whether they be handymen or corporate executives, Democrats or Republicans, should give one damn what Ari Fleischer has to say about anything. If his lips are moving, you should secure your wallet.

Having said that, he’s probably right that the Republican Party will do lasting damage to their image with young voters if they refuse to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013. Most Republican voters actually support the bill. But, that doesn’t seem to matter because the conservative movement dominates the GOP, and the conservative movement thinks gay-hating is a pillar of their belief system. Knock it out, and the whole edifice will be undermined.