Two dead. Twenty-two injured, some seriously, some not. All because someone brought a gun to a large house party in the Cypress area of Harris County, Texas, a suburb outside of Houston. No one knows the motive of the shooters (believed to be two people) but does it matter in a country where shootings like this one occur on a daily basis in communities all across the United States? From the Houston Chronicle:
More than 100 people, mostly young adults, were at a house celebrating a birthday, officials with the sheriff’s office said.
A man and a woman were killed, according to a news release sent by the office. One died at the party and the other at Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center Hospital. […]
The others shot have injuries ranging from serious to non-life threatening, said Thomas Gilliland, spokesman with the Sheriff’s Office. Some were shot in the foot or ankle. Others were shot in the hip, he said. Most of the injured were from 17 to 20 and were taken to five area hospitals.
One party-goer described the gunshots as sounding like “balloons popping” and seeing people bleeding as he tried to move others toward the house garage. A neighbor told the reporters that the scene was chaotic, with teenage girls screaming and pounding on the front doors of other houses in the neighborhood, pleading for someone to call 911.
War on terror? We are living it everyday in our own country. No one can predict when another innocent person will be shot or killed. Of course some communities, especially the poor and minorities have been living with this level of gun violence for too many years to count, even from the police, who are supposed to protect them, as Denise Oliver Velez so eloquently, yet with righteous anger, details for us in her front-paged story. You think you are safe? I’ll bet those kids at this birthday celebration did, too, before this happened to them. I’m sure the people in Aurora and Tuscon and Newtown and The Washington Navy Yard and … well, how many incidents could I list? Too many, far too many.
And still, as a nation we do nothing. We turn our eyes away. Even the most senseless and horrific slaughter of six year old children, a turning point so many said when it happened less than a year ago, seems to have faded from our collective memory. Certainly it has faded from the memories of all the politicians and news media pundits who proclaimed that this time something would be done. Yet, what steps have been taken nationally to end the gun slaughters. I’m not talking about a few isolated states like Colorado and New York. Indeed, if anything more states have gone the other way, such that many states now have laws that permit an increase in the use of gun play in public or have proposed further relaxation of current laws.
Is this freedom? I don’t think so. It’s madness.
My sincere condolences to the families of the latest victims in Harris County, Texas, and across the United States. It doesn’t count for much I know, and I’m very sorry for that, too.
Horrible. Meanwhile, in Metropolis, be careful if you own a ” biggie.”
Without condoning in any way, I simply point out statistically that in an area of over ten million people it is surprising that this has never happened before or indeed that it doesn’t happen regularly. How many homicidal maniacs live in the New York metro area? How Many? I’m not picking on New York either. I’m just marveling that civilization exists.
That’s about all I got.
Nothing pithy to say anymore about this insanity/stupidity.
And I (don’t eagerly) await hearing about how everyone needs to be carrying a pistol any and every place they go – AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After the NRA rants that guns don’t kill people and having to endure their stranglehold illogic; after hearing the criticism that it’s the big OUR fault for not recognizing that it’s just the mentally ill who embrace the carnage I have found the past few days where the Right is screaming its head off that the ACA provides coverage for mental illness and deems to equalize mental and physical ailments in the eyes of our health care just about the peak of all that makes them illigitimate.
I was out at a restaurant in Virginia last night, and started wondering what I would do if someone came in carrying a gun. Guarantee you that I would not have felt safer.
Just another day in paradise. Move on, nothing to see.
War on terror? You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. As the privileges grow thinner, and as they have the outbreaks will grow accordingly. Like our “weather”, it’s the new norm: extreme.
It’ll get uglier before it gets better. Until we end that entitlement, it’ll get uglier before it gets better.
Wonder if they were hopped up on doctor drugs?
No fear.
Yes, Ten Bears.
It is “our” fault. The fault of those among us who have surrendered to the conveniences of power.
We have abandoned morality as it has been explained to us by generations upon generations of the real best and brightest among us, and now we have to…once again…figure it out for ourselves.
Rape the world?
Die of sex sickness.
So it goes.
Hunker down.
It’s gonna get worse before it gets better.
Bet on it.
Crazy Texans. They are about to give a license to Michael Jackson’s doctor too.
I’ll bet this involves teen-age males, booze, and guns, a triple threat.
What could possibly go wrong?
give a texas republican half a chance these days and he’ll walk through the halls of a mental hospital handing out hand grenades.
Collateral damage is to be expected in the defense of our freedom to carry large weapons.
This is crazy, but sadly we hear these type stories all of the time.
Gun Control is always on the agenda but it will not work, its like drugs, if people want them there will always be a source for the right amount of money.
A lot of people think that picking up a gun is the right choice every time they get wronged.
I know exactly what I would do if something like this happened to at a party I was at.
Me and my girl would have both pulled the pistols we carry at all times and stopped this ourselves.
It really is sad, but these days you have to protect yourself all the time, you just never know when or where you will be when someone tries something crazy.
Give The Gift Of Scentsy This Year
Ah, yes, the “good guy with a gun” heroic fantasy:
You, cold sober despite those three brewskies you’ve pounded down, amidst screaming people rushing in all directions, calmly draw your weapon and, with cool precision and rock-steady nerves, draw careful aim across the chaotic room and cleanly take down the miscreant with one perfectly placed shot.
To add to your comment;
How in the hell would our resident fool with a gun “figger out” with hios alcohol addled brain, who are the “bad guys” and who are the other drunk good guys with guns shooting those they think with alcohol addled brains are the “bad guys”?
Having personally been in combat totally sober, seeing how chaotic that situation is even with different uniforms somewhat separate locations of enemies vs friendlies, etc …. friendly fire incidents are far too often happening.
I cannot see anyone who has consumed several beers thinking clearly given the fog of the situation added by alcohol haze …..
I also know exactly what I would do if something like this happened to at a party I was at.
I’d pull my wife to the floor, preferably behind some piece of furniture and to quote a friend of mine who happens to be a Vietnam combat vet, “… instead I set an Olympic record for the 30 yard crawl.”
I moved to central Mexico a year ago, from the Chicago area.
It was amazing how many people panicked on my behalf, asking me “But aren’t you SCARED?”
Duh… NO
95% of Mexico is safer for everyone than the US. It is especially safe for gringos. If you are in one of three places you are in some danger – if you are in the wrong neighborhood at 3:00 am looking for drugs. Sound familiar?
But you certainly don’t have people here shooting up schools, Congresswomen, or parties.
On the other hand, of all International Cities in the world, Chicago had by far the most murders. For 2012 Chicago had 508.
But you never hear of tourists intended on going to Chicago being asked, “You’re going to Chicago – aren’t you scared?!” Substitute Houston, or New York, or L.A., or New Orleans, or even Disney World or Vegas. It’s all the same – safer in Mexico.
I’ve now been here a year and the worst thing I’ve heard of here is someone stealing a laptop.
For example, read this at HuffPo from February:
Lonely Planet – Are Tourists Safe in Mexico?
But that is okay, if gringos want to stay away. It makes it that much more appealing for those of us who travel or live here.
Stay home where you can get shot at a mall or a party.