Toronto Mayor Rob Ford clearly has a very serious substance abuse problem that has grown to the point that it is affecting his mental stability. If he had cancer, people wouldn’t joke about his disease. But since being an out-of-control alcoholic who occasionally partakes of cocaine and opiates is so amusing to everybody, Mr. Ford’s disease is treated as a hilarious joke. It’s not a joke. His brain has been disrupted. He needs treatment.
When addiction is treated as a joke, it makes it much harder for people who need to be in recovery to open up about their problems and seek help. The stigma associated with addiction is like a jet-fuel that makes it immeasurably more difficult for our society to make the changes in policy we ought to be making. How many people are there who are pointing their fingers at Mr. Ford and laughing but who are privately unable to stop popping pain-killers or keep away from alcohol?
The biggest societal problem facing our teenagers right now is opiate addiction, which starts with prescription pain killers and leads directly, almost every single time, to heroin addition. In September, 63 people overdosed on opioid drugs in the town of Bensalem, Pennsylvania. This is not normal, folks. Most of those people were kids, and the ones who survived will be thrown in a detox for five days and set loose to steal and rob until they are incarcerated or die. When you develop an opiate addiction, you need extended help, but it’s still a hell of a lot less expensive than imprisoning someone. We need new policies to address this but we also need a national awakening to what addiction is, which is a very serious, chronic and recurring disease (like cancer) that requires sustained medical attention.
The more we joke about the most outlandish victims of this disease, the farther we get from that national awakening.
The whole thing is quite sad and the more we joke about it the more we stigmatize it. A few years back when Britney Spears was going through all of her problems Craig Ferguson did a monologue on why he wasn’t going to make jokes about it anymore. It is one of the best “opinion pieces” I have ever seen on addiction.
Fucking thank you. Whenever I criticized your posts before about comparing the teahadists with alcoholics or substance abusers, this is the stigma I wanted to avoid. It’s also why I cringe at the Boehner cracks, but I wish he would just retire.
This post is bonza. Kudos.
What you don’t get is that I am serious about this teabagging shit being indistinguishable from substance addiction. Rage addiction, you might call it, but it’s a problem with the wiring of the brain, and while some people might be genetically predisposed to the addiction, others can get it just from prolonged exposure to right-wing media. It is an actual disease of the brain and it requires treatment.
Boo, I’m in total sympathy with the rest of this, but that one statement is a serious problem. Got any citation for it? Because without it, it comes off as the sort of “Gateway Drug” scare hyperbole that has made War On Drug anti-drug propaganda such an open joke for decades. Prescription painkillers and heroin are both opiates, but they’re different drugs. As are opium, etc. Even different opiate painkillers (codeine, oxycodone, morphine) work differently. And they’re all very different in terms of both availability and their standing in youth culture.
The problem is real and serious enough. Please don’t dabble in hyperbole unless there’s at least a link to back it up (that’s more than someone else’s similar opinion). It just discredits all the rest.
You want links?
Try the second one:
I can get dozens of links, but you can do that yourself.
Here’s one more, similar to any number of others.
Rob Ford the person should get the consideration you talk about, whether he deserves it or not, for exactly the reasons cite.
Rob Ford the mayor deserves all of the ridicule he gets.
I see it both ways, as Medicine Man does. Ford needs to step down, and if he won’t go voluntarily, the media shaming is necessary to remove him.
As someone who grew up with an alcoholic mother, I am sympathetic to Ford’s disease. But he is also a notorious fucking asshole with a strong reputation as a bully. If he was a US politician he’d be a solid tea-partier.
So I guess what I’m saying is “fuck him”. I’m sorry he has a disease, but that’s no excuse for being a royal dick, and so I laugh at him now that he’s brought low by his own outrageous behavior.
wasn’t he essentially elected on a platform of “we upper middle class suburbanites are superior to you dirty city dwellers?”
You’ve signed up for ridicule if you so much as jaywalk after that sort of thing.
Of course he needs to step down. That’s not even in question.
It’s not Ford’s addiction that’s ridiculous, it’s the insane transparency of his denial.
Now I can understand if you want to say that denial is just one of the many symptoms of addiction, but when you stand in front of the press and say you’re not completely sure if you smoked crack because you were too drunk to remember, AND THEN continue to insist there’s no problem, ridicule is coming to visit.
Yeah, the guy is talking about eating pussy, so it’s pretty hard not to laugh at him, but no one needs to win an argument with him. He needs help and the situation should evoke more sadness and compassion than ridicule.
I gotta say I’m in full agreement here. I think it was last week on The Daily Show Jon Stewart was talking with a guest doing Rob Ford jokes. He said they taped at 6:30 and it aired four hours later. He was worried that one day by the time the show got to air, something horrible would happen.
I’m not his doctor, but I don’t think it takes a medical degree to see Ford and discern that he’s dealing with a grand slam of risky behavior. He’s grossly overweight, drinks too much, doesn’t appear to exercise a whole lot, and has a volcanic temper. The crack smoking is just the cherry on top of this early grave sundae.
He needs help, and he needs it yesterday.
Like cancer? Please. Using opiates is an entirely voluntary and known high risk choice. Yes, rehab should be freely available, but I’m not so sure ridiculing asses like Ford is a less effective deterrent than all the “sympathetic” drivel about how it’s just like any other disease. Ford can, and always could, choose to fix the problem, but he chose not to. I’m not playing any violins for the stupid slob.
You want to tell these grieving parents that their kids used opiates entirely voluntarily?
Nice Mother Jones project.
All these kids could choose to fix the problem but chose not to. Right?
Yeah, Dale Rinaldi sure sounds like a guy who could have stopped at any time but simply chose not to. No violins for that stupid slob. May he rest in peace.
I think part of the issue is that the Canadians seem a lot less puritanical about this than we would.
here’s who need caring and compassion and MEDICAL TREATMENT: blog subject.
oh there’s a color difference?