I guess Jeffrey Goldberg created some problems for himself when he made himself the arbiter of who can and who cannot remain “inside the Jewish tent.” Probably, he is guilty of little more than seeing red when he read a Tweet by President Carter’s National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski that claimed that the Obama/Kerry team is the best foreign policy duo since Poppy Bush and James Baker. Z-Big also noted that Congress is getting embarrassed by Benjamin Netanyahu’s efforts to “dictate” U.S. foreign policy.
Mr. Goldberg interpreted those comments as a slur against the Jewish people and erroneously responded, “Jews run America, suggests ex-national security adviser.”
Of course, that brief retort contains many logical errors and fallacious assumptions:
1. That Benjamin Netanyahu is representative of all Jews.
2. That Benjamin Netanyahu isn’t trying to bully American politicians into following his preferred foreign policy.
3. That Benjamin Netanyahu not getting his way is somehow proof that Jews run U.S. foreign policy.
4. That some members of Congress are not embarrassed (or annoyed) by Netanyahu’s efforts.
When a member of the J Street staff upbraided Goldberg for falsely accusing Z-Big of anti-Semitism, Goldberg responded haughtily, “I continuously defend @jstreetdotorg’s place inside the Jewish tent. But the behavior of its employees makes such defenses difficult.”
He, thereby, aroused the wrath of a lot of people who don’t think Goldberg has any right to decide who belongs inside the Jewish tent.
To me, this whole controversy is just a microcosm of a bigger issue, which is that Israel’s government is straining their country’s relationship with the American people, and with the American Jewish community more specifically, because they are now politically misaligned.
If the misalignment were only about the treatment of the Palestinians, the problem would be bad enough. But the disconnect is much broader than that. Netanyahu represents an unreconstructed neo-conservative policy in the broader Middle East that is thoroughly discredited here in the United States, particularly among liberal Jews. And, by attacking the Democratic administration is such harsh tones, and by nakedly endorsing the candidacy of Mitt Romney, Netanyahu has turned the vast majority of American Jews into his political enemies. The longer Israel goes on supporting right-wing parties, the more friction is going to be created between Israel and the American Jewish community. And this is certainly exacerbated when right-wing Israeli politicians interject themselves not only into our political fights but our presidential elections.
If you believe, as I do, that Israel cannot afford to be politically isolated from the United States and the American Jewish community, then you will agree that Benjamin Netanyahu is an existential threat to Israel’s future. You can be fervently pro-Israel and still not disagree with that statement.
○ Facebook Naftali Bennett and JPost article Naftali Bennett Out-Bibi-ing Bibi in DC
○ Kahane Won – Kahanism has become legitimate in Israeli public discourse
You know how if you wanna call someone an asshole in public, but want to pretend you aren’t? You kinda cough it out.
Loads of tussive sounds coming from within the tent.
Bibi needs to STFU and get on board.
His statement is logically impossible.
If Jews ran America, then that either means that Obama beat them when he got the agreement with Iran (meaning Jews don’t run America) or that the Jews who run America wanted the agreement to happen in which case it is Goldberg who is difficult to place inside the Jewish tent since he is the one who is hurting Jewish power.
Of course this is all BS since say it with me now: Jews don’t run America!
Part of the US Liberal Zionist delusion is that the problem for Israel is Netanyahu or the Likud party. The sad truth, however, is that virtually all Israeli political parties, excepting perhaps Meretz, are united in the racist and colonial endeavor known as Zionism. It was under the Labor Party (liberals!) that the settlements were expedited. Any look at the political scene in Israel today recognizes that the power is shifting further rightward. Think Liberman, Feiglin and a host of others waiting in the wings.
Correct. Add Hadash and Balad to that list.
Coincidentally — or perhaps not so coincidentally — they are also the only left wing parties. Labor is just another in the long list of worldwide “left leaning parties” captured by neoliberals.
Quite. If they want to have a mono-ethnic state, that’s their problem. It’s a far cry from e pluribus unum, so I don’t see why the United States should support that crap.
We need to learn to talk about Israel without giving a damn whether anyone involved in the discussion is Jewish or not. It creates a special standard that doesn’t apply to any other nation.
Well, fortunately, as the reaction to Goldberg’s comments shows, these assholes have totally overplayed this anti-semitism card by now. Opposing naked aggression does not make you a bigot. And Palestinians are Semitic too.
No, if Israel “wants to create a mono-ethnic state,” it’s not just “their problem.” Given the parties that could realistically form any Israeli government in the conceivable future, and the country’s demographic trends, just about the only ways available to form such a state involve crimes against humanity on a massive scale. That becomes the world’s problem – and a serious problem for the US, which appears genetically incapable of holding Israel accountable for, or even not providing international cover for, any Israeli government crime, no matter how despicable.
If Israel would prefer not to be an international pariah, there’s a really easy path. Stop committing war crimse.
Well, yeah. I just meant we shouldn’t be abetting their crimes.
First of all, Booman, you are a hundred percent right, and so are Emily Hauser and Corey Robin.
However, there is something else about all this that is quite noteworthy and gives me a lot of hope.
I have been following this exact issue (i.e. muzzling of Jews by other Jews) for many years. There is at least one web site entirely devoted to it:
And I can tell you that (a) the kind of kneejerk language used by Jonah Goldberg is absolutely normal (indeed it is comparatively mild) among certain American Jewish circles more vocal than representative. For example, I don’t know if the comments are still up on Norm Finkelstein’s site, but reading them could make you quite ill . . .
(b) up to a few years ago (about the time when Obama was elected), what Emily Hauser and Corey Robin are saying was just not being said in open forums. And not because it wasn’t being thought.
(c) JStreet didn’t even exist until five years ago.
These changes are the result of an awakening and organizing effort within the American Jewish community. The American Jewish community got tired of organizations like AIPAC, etc., claiming to represent us, whether in Washington, in Tel Aviv, or on the world stage. Shelly Adelson can cry in his beer.
And I can tell you that (a) the kind of kneejerk language used by Jonah Goldberg …
It’s Jeffrey Goldberg!! But thanks for giving me a good laugh today. 😉 Sometimes it’s very hard to tell the two apart.
Understanding two basic concepts simplifies the whole situation:
If the existence of Israel depends so heavily on the US that means Israel has NO ONE willing to rise to its defense but us.
How odd, and perhaps how damning.
And we have no interest whatever in defending the existence of Israel.
No more than in defending the existence of Poland in 1939 , or Czechoslovakia in 1938, or Bosnia today, etc.
Cogent statement of exactly what I believe. Thank you.