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The Middle East warmly welcomes Iran Deal, sees it as Step toward Denuclearizing Israel
(Informed Comment) – The spokesman for the Jordanian government, Muhammad al-Mumini, said that the agreement was “a step in the right direction.” Jordan’s King Abdullah II had long warned that a war with Iran would be a catastrophe for the whole Middle East, but a few years ago in the Bush era he was not always on the same page with his American and Saudi allies.
The Gulf Cooperation Council of oil monarchies was not as negative as the US media keeps reporting. The cabinet of the United Arab Emirates praised the agreement and said it hoped it would lead to regional stability and an end to nuclear proliferation. Likewise, Qatar and Bahrain welcomed the development, and like Lebanon and Egypt said they hoped it would lead to a nuclear free zone in the Middle East. We know Oman approves because it hosted the preparatory meetings between the US and Iran. Kuwait (a country of 3.2 million with a GDP of $173 bn) seems to dislike the agreement, since it appears to be silent on it. [Kuwait also welcomed Iran’s nuclear deal]
As for Saudi Arabia, which some pundits allege is so upset by the negotiations that it is ready to throw in with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, well, not so much. The Saudi Minister of Culture, Dr. Abdul Aziz bin Muhyi’d-Din Khoja, said that the preparatory agreement could lead to a resolution of the Iran nuclear problem, assuming that that country acts in good faith. He was also glad that the agreement recognized the right of countries in the region to benefit from nuclear power. [UAE has already ordered four nuclear reactors]. Like Egypt and Lebanon, Saudi Arabia also saw the understanding as a first step toward also removing Israeli nukes from the Middle East.
Does anyone offer an explanation for the Saudi transformation from extreme anger to words of support?
This leaves Saudi ally Israel standing alone in the bitter cold.
I can only suspect an olive branch from Palestine handed by Secretary John Kerry to Saudi FM Prince Saud al-Faisal.
There are a lot of cross currents vying for resolution in the Saudi mindset right now.
First off and what I understand little of, is the internal House of Saud familiar dynamics. I wonder if some in the inner circle think Prince Bandar is kind of a rogue actor. They must be getting some feedback that continuing to support the Syrian Wahhabi rebels will be increasingly frowned upon as the specter of US intervention (on THEIR side!) has, basically, disappeared.
Of course, a lot of the ‘Saudis hate it too’ was just good ole well prepared hasbara to soften the obvious single pointed focus on who it is exactly that is against peace breaking out.
As long as the US was giving total cover to Israel, the House of Saud had a wide field in which to position themselves. With the US now starting to rein in the Israelis (if we can call not being bullied/bought to start a stupid war AGAIN, ‘reining them in’), the Saudis are more concerned with the blowback of aligning with the Israelis.
The ‘no WMDs in the Middle East’ is a powerful unifying
theme for both the Arab/Persian street and the Sunni/Shia divide. We know who the ‘out’ party is in this equation.
EVERYBODY is trying to figure out what the new situation means and how it will shake out. The first reactions from the old guard will naturally be WTF? After folks have talked about it for a few days, it probably became clearer to adopt a more ‘wait and see’ attitude. You just don’t know who your friends are going to be come next year.