Last month, Stratfor e-mail hacker, Jeremy Hammond was sentenced to ten years in prison.
Today, Occupy published Globally Renowned Activist Collaborated with Strafor by Carl Gibson and Steve Horn. And it’s chilling.
Serbia’s Srdja Popovic is known by many as a leading architect of regime changes in Eastern Europe and elsewhere since the late-1990s, and as one of the co-founders of Otpor!, the U.S.-funded Serbian activist group which overthrew Slobodan Milošević in 2000.
Lesser known, an exclusive investigation reveals that Popovic and the Otpor! offshoot CANVAS (Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies) have also maintained close ties with a Goldman Sachs executive and the private intelligence firmStratfor (Strategic Forecasting, Inc.), as well as the U.S. government. Popovic’s wife also worked at Stratfor for a year.
These revelations come in the aftermath of thousands of new emails released by Wikileaks’ “Global Intelligence Files.” …
CANVAS Wikipedia entry. Controversy:
Various organisations and individuals, including the governments of Belarus and Iran, as well as former Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, have accused CANVAS of being a “revolution-exporter”. CANVAS denies this, emphasizing its role as educator and empowerer of peaceful methods.
Stratfor and Goldman Sachs bringing peaceful revolutions to the world. Far more profitable version of Disaster Capitalism than using bombs and drones.
There are, of course, the casualties of the type of class warfare that comes with Disaster Capitalism, but I think that gets swept under the rug in these here parts.
More profitable for those at the highest levels of the income/wealth distribution. In part because those in the mid-tiers see less of the suffering of those less fortunate than they do when confronted with bombed out houses and schools.
What is troubling is that real revolutions may no longer be possible. I got that some of those seen in the past dozen or so years weren’t real, but maybe none of them were.
From my diary – Engineering a Colour Revolution and Beyond.
Ach! Are the current protests in Ukraine real or manufactured?
What are we to make of the fact that the “color” revolutions have mostly fallen apart?
Honestly, I don’t know. If we accept the premise that the past is often prelude (as the content of your diary and Oui’s post would indicate), I know how I would guess. It’s probably another phony “revolution” minus the quaint color scheme – at least so far. I am holding out for the Chartreuse Revolution.
That’s not going to be attractive to but the one in a hundred that doesn’t look like a zombie in chartreuse.
Maybe it’s time to retire colors as a symbol for revolutions and find something more adult and not designed for toddlers. Not that anyone could ever figure out GWB’s color coding for terror alerts.
Personally, I preferred the Aqua Teen Hunger Force parody of the Terror Alert color scheme. But then again, reverence is something I don’t do well. Color-coordinating “revolutions” always did seem a bit silly. Reminded me too much of when Garanimals came out as a kids’ clothing line. At this point, as soon as I see a color before the word revolution, I immediately tune its advocates out as entirely irrelevant to any conversation on what conditions are pertinent in the lives of those who reside inside the country in question. We did see an attempt to use seasons (Arab Spring), but that’s pretty limited, and still comes across more as branding than saying something substantial. Given the so-far unpleasant results (one set of dictators replaced by ostensibly more America-corporation-friendly dictators), I’m not that impressed with seasons either. A few words that describe what the purported revolutionaries want would suffice for me.
“The gentle coup an instrument for globalization.”
These coupes or “revolutions” are engineered to bring former Soviet states under western capitalism. Europe can’t afford further expansion, but the political elite of the states think differently. The Ukraine has a long history of a divide between the Soviet Union and the West (Poland). Geographically, the division is also east-west in the Ukraine. The PM survived a no-confidence vote in parliament yesterday, so by democratic principle that should be the end of the street protests. President Yanukovich didn’t wait for the vote as a visit to China was pre-planned. The Western media are pressing for an EU expansion by economic means. Either way, the population will suffer as the Ukraine is economically more dependent on ties with Russia.
BTW the LGBT rights are not protected within the EU as is seen in Poland, Hungary, Croatia and the Baltic states. Why is solely Russia attacked ahead of the Sochi Winter Olympics?
Why the engineered colour revolutions fail? It’s not carried by the majority of the people and unjustly promoted by Western NGOs and the MSM. Globalization makes the rich richer and the working class suffers. In the EU, any future economic growth will not lower unemployment within the next decade.
○ Tunisian Revolt: Another Soros/NED Jack-Up?
○ Democratic Front NGOs Spreading Capitalism of Greed
○ LaHood (IRI) Nabbed at Cairo Airport Fleeing Egypt
In other words, what looks on the surface like a “revolution” on CNN (or whatever corporate outlet may be watched) or twitter feeds and whatnot amounts to little more than astroturf – maybe a lot of initial noise, but their support is sketchy at best.
Here’s the thing — better the devil you know than a new one that you don’t know. Conditions have to get really bad to chuck the devil and take the chance that the new devil couldn’t possibly be as bad.
(Egyptians seem not to regret having ousted Mubarak and the dynasty he had planned. His replacement fairly quickly demonstrated that he was different from Mubarak but as bad or worse. Tossing out the nominally elected leaders in favor of the military is a drastic step and if in the mid-term it works out for the better, it will be an exception.)
These faux-revolutions seem to be more sinister. It’s preempting the potential for revolution as conditions are objectively getting worse. It sucks the energy out of such impulses. Leaving the people with the status quo when it fails and beholden to the powers that stoked and funded it when it succeeds. Equally important, it confuses those abroad that are inclined to support real revolutions to oust a brutal dictator but would want nothing to do with one funded and facilitated by outside powers (governmental and/or corporate). The Rose Revolution was easy to see through. The Syrian Revolution more difficult to read. Then the Libyan Revolution was not only not seen but actively supported by at least half of the left in this country.
FYI – Syria’s Criminal Rebels.
Take with the appropriate grain of salt, as the source is RT: