Ron Fournier has penned the mother of all concern troll pieces. Your first clue is that he quotes Ed Rendell. Ed Rendell never tires of trolling the president. Your second clue is that Fournier continues to treat the rocky rollout of like it’s the equivalent of the Iran-Contra and Lewinsky scandals. I’m sorry, but a botched IT effort is in no way equivalent to a significant moral failing followed by a stream of unconscionable lies.
Ron Fournier doesn’t give a crap about the president. He doesn’t even like him. Why he would give Obama any advice at all is a mystery, and anyone who listens to Fournier is sub-mental.
If the president fires someone, it should be because they have lost his confidence, not because he needs someone to “empathize with his critics, [and] build significant relationships.”
What a load of crap.
Rendell has been mad ever since PBO beat Hillary’s ass. I get tired of anyone going to him for anything.
FUCK Rendell.
I seem to recall that he was pissed in 2000 that Gore didn’t concede earlier. (The too could have had some relationship to how soon HRC could be elevated back to the WH but in her own right.)
All the complaints about ACA that I’ve heard are from people who already have health insurance. Just saying.
Some of it is jealousy. People stuck with a single health insurance choice via their employer are hearing about these exchanges and are pissed off they can’t have that, too.
tell that to me. I don’t have health insurance and can’t afford the plans offered in PA.
I have plenty to complain about when it comes to the ACA, at least in PA.
Someone please tell me why I read the comments on that piece…..
If it’s got Ron Fournier’s byline, then a quote of Ed Rendell cannot be less than the second clue. Not that it isn’t a good one. Concern trolling is just the outward expression of hysterical centripetalism meaning conservativism with a human face (I’m just telling you for your own good so we can compromise together), and Ron Fournier is the all-time king of that.
On the bright side, in case of accidental poisoning, Ed Rendell speaking with Chris Matthews on Hardball is the perfect emetic.
This time ’round Hillary better can the old campaign hacks and bring in some real savvy because even at this distance they are a real drag on her campaign.
Fournier is the whipping boy for many Dem leaning bloggers. But a favorite – judging by the “most read” – by the wingers over there at NJ. Maybe in the same way Santorum became synonymous with something else can “Fournier” and “crap” become a google search favorite.
Isn’t that just another way of saying “bipartisanship?”
Which is, by the way, what’s for dinner in bigtime PermaGov political hustle circles these days.
Christie is making a national living with it.
“Stunned” my royal Irish ass!!! One advantage of being …ahem…”big” is that you can sit on both sides of the fence at once, a truly rare political feat that he has managed to pull off in ever more creative ways since Hurricane Sandy and his “Bro!!!” minute w/O’Bomber.