When someone asks you if a victim of rape should be compelled by the state to carry a resulting pregnancy to term, it is not a gaffe if you reply that this hypothetical almost never happens because women’s bodies have a way of preventing conception when they are under stress. It’s also not a gaffe to reply that, while it is certainly unfortunate that rape babies are occasionally produced, it’s all part of God’s plan and clearly God wants that baby to come into the world. These responses are not gaffes because they are actually honest responses that reflect what Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock, respectively, actually believe.
A gaffe should be understood as an event where you actually say something that you didn’t mean to say or where you are caught being misinformed about some issue. While Todd Akin was misinformed about how human reproduction actually works, it was still how he thought human reproduction works. Call that one a half-gaffe. You can teach politicians what they shouldn’t say, but that won’t change what they believe. That’s why the following will not work very well:
The National Republican Congressional Committee wants to make sure there are no Todd Akin-style gaffes next year, so it’s meeting with top aides of sitting Republicans to teach them what to say — or not to say — on the trail, especially when their boss is running against a woman.
Speaker John Boehner is serious, too. His own top aides met recently with Republican staff to discuss how lawmakers should talk to female constituents.
“Let me put it this way, some of these guys have a lot to learn,” said a Republican staffer who attended the session in Boehner’s office.
There have been “multiple sessions” with the NRCC where aides to incumbents were schooled in “messaging against women opponents,” one GOP aide said.
When Todd Akin said that women can’t get pregnant from “legitimate rape,” he was suggesting that any woman who does get pregnant must have consented to have sex in some way. That’s what he believes. When Richard Mourdock said that pregnancies that result from rape are a “gift from God” and “something that God intended to happen,” he was suggesting that women should be grateful for their very unwanted pregnancies. That is what he believes.
Perhaps both men could have been elected to the U.S. Senate if they had just been counseled to keep their mouths shut or to repeat some GOP-approved talking point instead of saying what they actually believe. Personally, I think the electorate was better able to make a choice in those elections because the candidates were honest.
Wouldn’t it be better to nominate people who don’t believe things that make women want to flee rather than “guys [that] have a lot to learn”?
The problem isn’t the messaging. The problem is “these guys.”
Well, not to mention the categorical opposition to abortion rights, even in cases of rape. Even if you don’t actually say it in so many words, the idea that a rapist’s sperm is a gift from God is implicit if you aren’t going to let the victim terminate the pregnancy.
If you look at it that way, both Akin and Mourdock were at least trying to rationalize their position, rather than just admitting that they see women as baby machines with no rights of their own. In other words, they were trying to improve their “messaging.” It’s just that there’s only so much you can do when your basic message is “Fuck you.”
Good point.
Just read this piece about the insurance commissioner who likens coverage of pre existing conditions to having an accident where it’s your fault and asking insurer to cover fixing your car.
Then I went to the cancer website I hang out at and saw where a woman has her 3rd recurrence of bc and her husband takes a walk tossing out ‘I didn’t sign up for this’ as he exits.
The mindset of personal responsibility has been so mangled that it’s now more tilted towards you’re on your own baby. Interesting how the sheer will of ignorance greases the wheels of it’s ok to turn your back.
I liken the NRCC efforts to someone putting sawdust in a transmission in an effort to make it seem to run smooth as silk, just long enough to get someone to fork over cash for the clunker. The problem with that is the electorate test drives the candidates for many months and thousands of miles. That makes it very difficult to hide the real condition of the GOP’s vehicle and convince voters at large that they aren’t buying a real lemon.
During the 16th century, it was thought by barbers (doctors), lawyers, and men in general that a woman couldn’t get pregnant unless the man “pleasured” her.
ie: if the woman got pregnant, she WASN’T raped.
Akins just didn’t get the 19th century memo, did he?
Why is this sort of tutoring in concealing your actual monstrous “conservative” lunacy being limited to races where one of “these guys” are running against women? Mourdock wasn’t running against a woman.
But yes, obviously the “Ladies 101” tutorials are not about changing the medieval viewpoints of these “conservative” white males, but simply about concealing them. The “conservative” electorate perfectly understand that their candidates need to lie and conceal their actual views on many issues.
Lies and deception about their actual nature and goals have been the principal tactics of the “conservative” movement for 25 years now. It has served them well, and I can well see why the coaches of Team Conservative want their junior incumbents to understand that deception and trickery are the backbone of their movement.
I wonder, do any of those Tea Party true believers put two and two together and figure out that the GOP has been lying to them?
“Fooled me once, shame on you. Fooled me twice…won’t get fooled again!” — G. W. Bush
Teabaggers are Bush dead-enders. They’re not the swiftest armadillos on the highway.
Suggesting that god intended some women to be raped is about as unsettling a statement from a candidate as I can imagine. Yes, the problem is these guys.
At least according to some political lexicons a “gaffe” is defined “accidentally telling the truth”.
(which makes it far more damaging than just ‘misspeaking’ or babbling incoherently [® PalinCo] or even ‘blatant lies’…since these are easier to retract)
Pretty good posts 🙂 Mind visiting my website for a bit?:) http://www.Personalizegifts.org