Secretary Kerry is very dedicated and serious about greater Middle-East peace, equal to no other US official before him. My analysis has been it’s not standing alone but part of the quadruple effort:
- If John Kerry and Sergey Lavrov illustrate their determination …
STEP 1 – Resolve CW issue on Syria
STEP 2 – Arms embargo and a political solution for Syria
STEP 3 – Resolve nuclear issue of Iran with president Rouhani
STEP 4 – Finalize a peace treaty between Israel and Palestine
Obama made a courageous decision stepping away from 35 years of biased US policy on the Middle East. Angry Arab states Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar plus Turkey and Israel. Praise from Russia, Iran and Iraq (Maliki). At the moment, new alliances are formed between Arab/Gulf states, Turkey and yes, Iran. Today’s adversary is tomorrow’s economic partner.
It’s a juggling act where there are few partners for peace and many more antagonists. Not only the difficulty in Israel’s administration and Knesset, but also the extremists in Teheran and Washington DC. Congress has a united (yes, bipartisan!) effort to undermine the preliminary nuclear deal on Iran and do their utmost to antagonize Russia and Putin to undermine Kerry on Syria. The Israel lobby is out full strength to support US Congress and use their hasbara outlets in the media.
At the moment, the European nations are united and have agreed to effectuate sanctions on goods coming from Israeli corporations on occupied Palestinian territory. This to full anguish of Bibi Netanyahu, Avigdor Liberman and Knesset leadership.
From my previous diaries –
○ Barack Obama and an Act of War plus follow-up .. etc. Sept. 13, 2013
○ Obama On Path Towards Grand-Slam In Diplomacy.
○ Syria Drama In the Making – the Bush and Obama Years 2005-2013
○ Ukraine Debt Rating Cut to the same level as Greece and Cyprus
○ Ukraine looks to China for money as debt crunch looms
○ Ukraine: the Tymoshenko and Yushchenko years of corruption
○ Ukraine’s GNI per capita decreased by 22% between 1990 and 2012
Close to Lanny Davis and the Clinton’s … that explains a lot!
I’m glad Hillary is history, AIPAC took some losses and Secretary Kerry has invested his personal reputation for greater Middle East peace. I’m always optimistic but I know the deck of cards are stacked against him. All extremists from Arab states, Tehran, Jerusalem and Washington DC are united against his effort.
Cross-posted from Tikun Olam – Center for American Progress Beds Down With Corporate Donors, Muzzles Israel-Palestine Debate.
That is a key insight. I ‘hope’ it is leading to a change in the public’s perception of who and what is the real nature of the evils befalling us. If the real terrorists are all lumped together maybe everybody else can put two and two together and wake up.
A loose wheel or two in the Senate Senate Dem Defy Obama on Iran. This could morph into a pile-up that would derail all the ME peace efforts.
Can’t be more clear where the Clinton’s stand on the Iranian issue: in opposition to Obama/Kerry and giving support to the Israeli hardliners Netanyahu/Liberman. Well done Hillary … gives credence to all who undermine the US-Iran detente.