Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey took over the gavel of the Foreign Relations Committee from John Kerry when Kerry was confirmed as Secretary of State. Here is what one Obama administration official thinks about the change:
“He’s harder to work with than his predecessors,” complains one former Obama administration official, who didn’t want to be named critiquing the new chairman. “You are at the cusp of the most consequential breakthrough in relations with Iran since 1979,” the former administration official said. “Why the hell would Congress want to throw a hand grenade into those talks?”
This official is referring to Menendez’s determination to introduce a bill that increases sanctions on Iran despite the warnings of the White House and the State Department that such a bill is imprudently provocative and could undermine sensitive negotiations with the Iranian government that could avert another war in the Middle East.
Sen. Menendez evidently does not give a fuck about the administration’s foreign policy vis-a-vis Iran. He also has absolutely zero interest in improving relations with Cuba. I can attest from personal experience that the White House is peeved about Menendez’s behavior and doesn’t really care who knows about it. From their point of view, Menendez is pushing a bad bill and they want him either to stop or to be defeated.
From a progressive point of view, I would go further. I think that Sen. Menendez is absolutely inviting a primary challenger. The White House won’t talk about that, but I am certain that they would welcome it. If, say, Rep. Rush Holt wanted to challenge Menendez in 2018, I am confident that he’d get encouragement from the Obama administration and hordes of progressives volunteering for his campaign.
But, unfortunately, it appears that Menendez will be chairing that committee for the remainder of the Obama presidency.
Bob Menendez sounds like a real piece of shit.
Why do you think many people wished Tucker Carlson’s story to have been true?
I start to understand why NJ Dems vote for Christie, when this is the kind of “Democrat” they’re offered.
Sounds like he wants something he’s not getting from the Obama team.
Maybe he wants them to lay off Cuban normalization.
More likely he wants various investigations into his own or business associates or donor’s activities.
I don’t think Team Obama have much choice unless they want to play very hardball with him. Losing a Democratic senator doesn’t sound like a smart political move at this point and he can’t be the only political deadwood these people have to deal with.
investigations killed
what about something else? from what I’ve read ppl don’t seem to think there’s much there there re: those investigations.
Wanted Senator Menendez to know my assessment of his behavior:
Hope it’s not ambiguous 😉
The man encapsulates some of the nastiest strands in US foreign policy: the oppression of Cuba and Iran and the invariable support of Israel to the total detriment of the Palestinians. Menendez is a base traitor to the Democratic party and needs to put in his place. But how? He seems very comfortable in this role. And you might throw in Schumer and Gillibrand for good measure (and the one in Connecticut?). In contrast the two Jewish senators from California seem to be more in step with the president. There, I’ve moved into taboe country. What gives here?: the disease that may not be named in polite company: let’s call it AIPAC for the sake of convenience.
Ah, Menendez supports the Zionists goal of Eretz Israel based on biblical times and rights from Abraham. Nuff said, he is in Netanyahu’s pocket. See video of Senate speech. One fallacy of many in his speech, Hamas is not solely dependent on that evil Iran!
○ The whale at the wall
○ Teva awarded tax credit for proposed $73 million research facility in N.J.
○ Teva to close Sellersville drug manufacturing and R&D facility in Bucks County by 2017
How fundamentally stupid can someone be: the similarites between N.J. and Israel? Sure, N.J. is planning to incorporate the rest of the U.S. into Greater New Jersey! Menendez is all for the plan. Then Israel can occupy Greater New Jersey and turn the inhabitants into serfs.
Menendez? On the take, of course. Numerous takes, I am sure. Big time!!! But…who in the U.S. Government is not on one take or another? If they have been elected, they owe allegiance to those who bought their election. That’s the way it works. Deal wid it. You disagree with Menedez being in the pocket of Israel? Great. Do you disagree with Obama being in the pocket of Big Corps/Wall Street? With almost the entire Senate and House of Reprehensibles being in the pocket of Big Military, Big Oil, Big Corps and Big Surveillance? Which is worse? Really. Menendez is nickel and dime stuff. Hell, New Jersey is nickel and dime stuff when you get down to it. But the really big fix? The big, BIG Lie? Y’all pass on it, most of you.
Wake the fuck up.
Menendez is the problem?
The system is the problem. It is broken to the max. Fix it? Sure. How? Damned if I know. One mind at a time, for starters. One mind at a time.
How about yours, bunkies?
How about yours?
Suspend your belief in the American Fix.
One mind at a time.
the oppression of Cuba and Iran and the invariable support of Israel to the total detriment of the Palestinians.
Menendez is of Cuban ancestry, so that answers the question why he hates normalization of relations with Cuba: opposition is built into his DNA.
His Iran and Israel policies are almost certainly based on the large Jewish population here in the Garden State. NJ has the second largest percentage of Jews to total population (5.7%) of any State in the Union. Only NY is larger with 9%, see same link, so I put that policy down to straight electoral politics and self-preservation here.
As to how “corrupt” Menendez is, after all the Dominican Republic whore-mongering stuff he was accused of turned out to be a Tucker Carlson smear, I’m inclined to cut him a break. Let’s wait to when/if some real dirt sticks to him before going there again. Otherwise it’s really carrying a good joke too far, IMO.
If there was something to be found they would have found it already. We would have heard about it even if it’s not in the msm yet (as we have heard about Christie).
You know how the GOP has Sheldon Adelson? The Democrats have Haim Saban(who also funds a lot of Brookings, by the way).
Can’t be more clear where the Clinton’s stand on the Iranian issue: in opposition to Obama/Kerry and giving support to the Israeli hardliners Netanyahu/Liberman. Well done Hillary … gives credence to all who undermine the US-Iran detente.
Cross-posted from my diary – A Major Task for John Kerry.