We’re doing the extended family Christmas at our place today, so blogging will be very light. I did notice that a candidate for Congress said something so stupid that it threatens to cause a matter/anti-matter universal apocalypse. I’m just hoping that God never hears of it.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Does that mean that Rosa Parks was the Phil Robertson of her generation?
Only in that alternative universe that wingers inhabit.
He is the Milli Vanilli of great thinkers.
You mean someone else is doing the thinking and he’s taking credit for it?
Free at last! Free at last! Thank God my people are free to be hateful ignorant bigots at last!
Up is down. Down is up. Freedom is Slavery. War is Peace. Lies are Truth.
Best comment on Duck Dynasty was from Pam Spaulding: “Just a bunch of YUPpies in camo.”
Just making money off of Southern stereotypes. Carville in camos with a duck blind and some “good ole boy go to church” attitudes.
“The Duck Dynasty guy who likened homosexuality to bestiality makes a living helping people trick ducks into thinking they want to fuck them.”
Oh man, I’m stealing this.
I am still trying to wrap my mind around this idea that he is being persecuted because he is a Christian. He is free right now to go to any street corner in America, wave his Bible and rant, until there’s no breath left in his body, about his hatred and loathing of evil gayness. No one is restricting his right to do this, or even suggesting that it should be challenged. People do it every fucking day, somewhere in the United States.
What is happening here is very simple. He is a product. A product that has been marketed in a certain way, to a certain audience and within a certain venue. He has now damaged that product through his own stupidity and arrogance. Somehow, he thought that because his product was so successful within his own little bubble, that he could speak freely a view that is strongly embraced by his audience, but is viewed as quite offensive by a much larger majority of people. And this includes those who pay money to advertise and support his product. He stepped outside the “safe zone”. Apparently no one told him that, outside his right wing world, there is a huge country that really doesn’t give a shit about how “special” or “endearing” his followers find him. It is simply a repeat of what we have seen so many times over the last five, or so, years; with anyone who is embraced and loved by any faction of the right.
So now, he has shit in his own cereal. And, for some really non-obvious reason, it is everyone else’s fault that he has to eat the shit filled bowl. And somehow, this is persecution. Man, the right wing mind just simply defies all rationality, almost all the time.
Man, the right wing mind just simply defies all rationality,
almostall the time.Yes he is a product that has been in the making since he decided to stop shaving and cutting his hair. This product is like Santa and the elves building toys in the north pole. I would love to see the contract he signed with AMC. Just how much of his right to free speech did he sign away to earn millions.
LMAO waiting for Obama sending federal troops into Louisiana to protect the Constitution and the Robertson clan. 🙂
No comparison really with Rosa Parks, she was 42 and old-man Robertson never achieved adulthood with his infantile conduct.
Has it already been 10 years since the US media basically took on the wingnut world view and anyone to question the government (Donohue, Dixie Chicks, Bancroft, etc.) was universally banned from any media outlet?
Back then fascists like Robertson thought that was a good thing. Example number 2,129,875,304 of how the wingnut double standard operates.
wrt to the PR twit — a very fine rant at dKos by LeftHandedMan:
Slogging Waist Deep in the Big Muddy While the Lucky Ducky Few Press On.
Too bad all the non-lucky-duckies don’t fire the asses of the jerks, such as Jindal, in public office and stop supporting all the TV shows and churches that make them stupid.
a candidate for Congress said something so stupid
It’s more than “stupid,” it’s obscene. Equating a backwoods redneck’s racist comments to the courageous position taken by an earlier victim and protester against that very same racism is truly beyond the Pale.
I can’t imagine that the statement was anything other than an intentional provocation and insult to black Americans.
Why only black Americans? Or queer Americans?
They’re about those people, but statements like this are an insult to any American who respects history, and any American whose default is to respect human beings regardless of who they are – unless, as with these assclowns, they demonstrate themselves to be unworthy of respect.
Oh, I agree. I was just thinking of the “Song of the South” fantasy this guy was spinning.
I was a military kid, born in the Bronx with a “Yankee” mentality. In 1960 I had the shocking experience of the family moving to a new duty station in central Louisiana. I actually saw the segregated drinking fountains and restrooms in supermarkets, and how most of the local black population lived in rough wooden shacks raised off the ground on cinder-blocks with corrugated metal roofs. When we drove past them in our car the black people we saw NEVER looked us in the eye. Even at age 12 I had the absolute sense that I was looking at members of a cowed and terrified minority.
Happy, my ass.
I’m not saying there wasn’t prejudice and discrimination up North at the time. There was. The twist-the-knife irony in Randy Newman’s “Rednecks” is spot on. But I gotta tell ya, back then, in Dixie, it was all there right in your face.
A few years before, we also lived near an Air Force Base in Albany, Georgia, where my father was stationed. This was in the mid-Fifties. An elderly white neighbor of ours took the family one Sunday on a drive to show the Air Force Yankees some “real country.” As I recall, seeing the black families there living in tiny plantation style shacks was even creepier.
55 years later it still creeps me out.
It’s in your face in Philly, Chicago, Boston, Baltimore, etc. if you live in the right neighborhoods. My theory is that most white flight is to escape the shame.
This dude is running in my district, I doubt it will hurt him in the primary. It may even help him it seems like the conservatives around here have a major persecution complex.
Don’t know how you feel about Foster, he’s kind of DLC, but I urge you to do what I did here in IL-8 when Duckworth ran against Walsh, namely hold you nose and vote against the wacko.
This second time around Foster has been a lot better. The first time he was very irritating. This district covers Aurora & Joliet among some other areas it’s much more Democratic than the old IL-14 and I guess he’s move left in response. Not far but far enough that I don’t feel bad about supporting him.
I live close to the district and have the distinct impression this clown is doing it for attention in a crowded race. He’s got nothing else to show for himself other than hate and foolishness.
Apparently being a party to trashing the US House isn’t enough for Dana Rohrabacher(R), he trashed his rental house as well.
(Odd that he and his wife didn’t own a house. What with all those sweet mortgages lenders were happy to dispense to elected officials was Dana to dumb to get on the gravy train?)
Driftglass was covering it yesterday, as well as posting a youtube link to the dumbfuck’s campaign ad.
When people like this can get elected to ruin this country, I apprehensively fall back to the position that the country wholeheartedly deserves it, until I remember we have Federalism, and that actually, we don’t.
Here, check out dumbfuck’s campaign ad.