Kirkpatrick doesn’t offer any new evidence to what US Congress and multiple investigations already published. His story is suspect of a whte-wash for a future Democratic presidential candidate.
Bloggers Call BS on NY Times Article benghazi no link to Al Qaeda
This is just breaking from the New York Times.
IMO…THIS is just NY Times – B.S….probably concocted to give some political cover for it’s beloved Hillary Clinton’s run for Prez. They are desperate!
One year ago by the same NY Times reporter David D. Kirkpatrick …
Al Qaeda And Benghazi – The Times Sets Us Straight
October 16, 2012 – As part of their ongoing effort to pump up their candidate, David Kirkpatrick of the Times informs us that Al Qaeda is now a story used to scare the gullible. And the partisans, of course …
More stories by Kirkpatrick of the NY Times on the Clintons:○ Gaddafi must surrender power now, says Hillary Clinton
March 2011 – An international campaign to force Colonel Moammar el-Gaddafi out of office gathered pace on Monday as the European Union (EU) adopted an arms embargo and other sanctions, as US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton bluntly told the Libyan leader to surrender power “now, without further violence or delay.”
○ Election-Year Stakes Overshadow Nuances of Libya Investigation
○ Are Hillary’s favorables “unusually high”?
February 2007 – Writing in the New York Times, David D. Kirkpatrick claims Hillary Clinton’s favorable ratings are “unusually high.”○ Media Talk; Mrs. Clinton Seeks Ghostwriter for Memoirs
By David D. Kirkpatrick, January 08, 2001
Now that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has sold the rights to publish her memoirs for $8 million, who will she pick to help write it, and how much will that person be paid?
Of course, an anonymous White House official is quoted and there is plenty of cheerleading going around. Applause.
White House doesn’t dispute report finding no al Qaeda role in Benghazi attack
A senior Obama administration official said the White House does not dispute a New York Times article published Saturday about the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, which found no evidence al Qaeda was involved.
… NBC News has not independently verified the Times report, which is the first to argue the video played a large role in sparking the violence in Benghazi.
Daily Kos: NY Times Benghazi Bombshell: Attack spurred by anti-Islam Video
Benghazi Truthers dealt a blow by months long investigation by NY Times as actual journalism rears its head.
While it is customary to thank everyone for rec listing my one’s diary while acting astounded that one made the rec list, the reality is I knew this was rec list material the moment I saw the headline. Nonetheless, thanks for the rec list to all Kossacks and to the great reporters at the New York Times for the outstanding journalism that lead to the creation of this diary.
- ○ NY Times: US-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis’ Hands (Dec. 2012) by James Risen, Mark Mazzetti and Michael S. Schmidt
The first articles with some healthy criticism can be found …
Cross-posted from yesterday’s fp story by BooMan – Please Proceed Republicans.
At least the myth the Libyan security forces of February 17 Brigade who “defended” the US Ambassador has been debunked in the NY Times article. The paid security militia just ran away and avoided any confrontation. The Brigade Headquarters joined Ansar al-Shariah leaders in coordinating the attack. It’s as close as an insider attack can happen. Where lies the separation between a multitude of local militia like Ansar al-Shariah and the hundreds of Afghan mujahideen present to fight in Libya against western powers, the infidels.
By conducting the high-profile raid that captured senior al Qaeda terrorist Abu Anas al Libi in Tripoli, the administration is likely alerting the Benghazi terrorists and possibly driving them into hiding.
The U.S. official said the locations of several attackers behind the Sept. 11 armed assault on the diplomatic compound in Benghazi and a nearby CIA facility are known. The group Ansar al Sharia, which has links to al Qaeda, has been identified as behind the attack that killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.
○ Libyans Killed Its Best Ambassador, Chris Stevens – A Tribute
○ Feds Hired Unlisted British Security Firm for Benghazi Consulate
○ From “Proud” To Pulled: A Timeline Of 60 Minutes’ Benghazi Trainwreck
○ Susan Rice: No time to think about Benghazi
○ Rep. Peter King has ‘nothing but contempt’ for New York Times (2011)
Geez, how many times does Prof. Juan Cole need to be told he was wrong in his analysis of the Arab Spring. He bet on the Muslim Brotherhood as champions of democracy after the people’s protest. Juan Cole was wrong on Libya, Egypt, now Turkey and the Muslim Brothers’ sponsor Qatar. Grabbing the Kirkpatrick storytale for his very own propositions.
○ MB Axis Egypt – Turkey – Qatar Faces Defeat
○ Obama Administration Backed Muslim Brotherhood
○ Al Jazeera and Qatar: The Muslim Brothers’ Dark Empire?
He was bound to get one correct. While I’m not wild about how the NYTimes article was written, and not convinced that the ringleader they identified had any more involvement in the attack on the Benghazi State Dept compound other than showing up after the melee began, it is consistent with all the available solid evidence.
The so-called investigation talking to people months after the event has no substance. He doesn’t come forward with names of witnesses or with any new evidence. If you read his October 2012 article, it’s written with the same intent and conclusions. Kirkpatrick has expressed himself in 7,000 words, but two main issues is what was meant for the headlines: no involvement of Al Qaeda and the attack was not pre-planned but evolved as the anger over the film took hold on September 11. The “protest” came to fruition at 20:30 hours in the evening? For me as false as can be and he writes nothing that hadn’t been written before. He leaves out more essentials in his long tale. As some others have now written: a white-wash.
Abu Khattala was the ringleader and the militia of Ansar al-Shariah was responsible. The agenda wasn’t local but had al the intent and goal of the Al Qaeda affiliate: a revenge attack on a soft American target. The February 17 Brigade was complicit which proves the attack was pre-planned.
The extensive statement from a witness I quoted from France24 article has proven correct. That was written in my first diary after the attack.
The Libyans most likely were driven by the martyrdom of Abu Yahya al-Libi, a quote from report: Al Qaeda in Libya [pdf].
“Particular attention has been given to AQSL and AQIM sources, especially propaganda videos featuring their leaders and a
written essay from ‘Atiyah al-Libi, an influential Libyan al-Qaeda leader killed in Pakistan by a U.S. drone strike in August 2011.”
We’re going to have to agree to disagree on this one. Eyewitness testimony or reports aren’t terribly reliable even when gathered quickly after an event. In this case the situation is further compounded by cultural and language barriers when speaking with Benghazi residents or natives. And the US personnel aren’t any better — with some seeking to elevate their role into “Rambo” icons or in the confusion and dark didn’t see/experience much to begin with.
The compound video recordings and compound site forensics simply don’t support a planned and organized attack. Had that been the story, that CIA rescue team would never have been able to enter the compound and the compound would have been leveled. Instead it looked more like the destruction seen after a riot.
That said, I doubt that those that initiated the attack on the “Annex” were the same as those that initiated the breach of the compound. With the cover blown on the annex, it became target for one or more groups and they took a couple of hours to organize the assault. The reason for it may be as simple as it was known that the CIA had been amassing arsenals and getting weapons for free is a hard habit to break.
Once I could see that the attack on the annex was a distinct event from the attack on the compound, the storyline because much clearer.
US State Illustrates NYT Kirkpatrick’s Fallacy on Benghazi Raid
Not a bit surprised by these new revelations about the Al Qaeda militants now suspect in the Benghazi raid. Evene earlier NY Times reports clarified the rag-tag Islamist militants with obscure backgrounds the US were supporting in the overthrow of Colonel Gaddafi in 2011. See my earlier statements on Kirkpatrick’s NY Times “investigation” – Bloggers Call BS on NY Times Benghazi Article.
○ Daily Beast: Yes, There IS Evidence Linking al Qaeda to Benghazi
Full story posted as a diary @BooMan – US State Illustrates NYT Kirkpatrick’s Fallacy on Benghazi Raid.