Well, at least Bain Capital will get some competition:
Over lunch in Manhattan several months ago, Brendan Carroll, a partner and co-founder of the private equity firm Victory Park Capital, had a proposition for his former boss, Joseph I. Lieberman, the former senator from Connecticut and onetime vice presidential candidate: Would Mr. Lieberman be interested in joining his firm?
Mr. Lieberman, who retired from the Senate last January after representing Connecticut in Washington for 24 years, was intrigued and eventually decided to join Victory Park as chairman of its executive board, the firm announced on Thursday.
“While in the U.S. Senate, I fought for policies that would allow small businesses to thrive,” Mr. Lieberman said in a statement. “I look forward to a long-term partnership with Victory Park Capital that will position the firm for continued growth.”
Nothing makes a small business thrive like being taken over by a private equity firm.
Everyone knows this.
Victory Park invests in mid-market companies across a range of industries, including oil and gas and airlines, and could benefit from Mr. Lieberman’s extensive regulatory expertise, Mr. Carroll said.
I hope Lieberman enjoys taking over distressed “midlevel” companies, collecting massive consulting fees, laying off their workforce and auctioning off the assets.
This asshole went from being a political whore* assuming corporation’s favorite positions, to being a corporate pimp, matching other political whores who’ll assume corporation’s favorite positions.
*My apologies to real sex workers, who work harder in one day, the this asshole has in his entire life.
Tough for the investor class to make a buck out of privately owned mid-level and small businesses. But gobble them up, homogenize them to offer the same products and/or services anywhere in the US, and ka-ching! Monopolies are the natural end stage of unregulated capitalism.
How I miss all the local independent shops from the hardware store to the butcher. But perhaps those owners and employees were more competent and creative than consumers want or need. We’ll just take what everyone else gets because that has to be the best – and we delude ourselves into seeing a difference, and hence some points for our individualism, between the red box and the blue box.
Nah, if it’s cheap it just has to be good enough.
Most of us can’t afford local independent shops on our wage growth these days.
Wage growth was strong back when shops were local. Maybe folks would have noticed that their wages were stagnant and done something about it if Walmart hadn’t come to town. Now they’re stuck with crappy wages and no choice but to buy crappy stuff at Walmart which btw, factoring quality isn’t cheap.
and could benefit from Mr. Lieberman’s extensive regulatory expertise,
Yeah, right.
To think that man was once our VP nominee…
To think that according to some Democrats Ralph Nader frustrated him from being one heartbeat away from the Presidency. 2000: Catastrophe or Providence, which is it?
You’d think those Democrats would be properly grateful. But nooooo….
I’d have taken a gore presidency in a second, even with lieberman attached. Gore had no aspirations in Iraq of any kind, for one. And if you can’t see that a Gore presidency would have been fundamentally different on about fifty levels – regardless of lieberman sitting off in a corner – well, wow.
It’s also entirely possible that 9/11 would never have happened under Gore presidency. Unlike Bush, Gore was more competent, had already known of the AQ threat from his Clinton time, and wouldn’t get distracted into a revenge quest in Iraq even before 9/11. There would also have been less of a change in the transition at the top under Gore regime compared to Bush.
One of the reasons I hate AQ is that their one single action allowed my country to accelerate it’s own destruction by an order of magnitude.
Per numerous interviews, that was exactly their intent: to provoke an extreme overreaction by the US that would sap the US economy and destroy its reputation overseas. My ire is directed less at AQ, mass murderers that they are, than US leadership – of both parties – and the American electorate – that was so utterly predictable and myopic as to play right into a fairly obvious strategy. And, 12 years on, we continue to do so despite the obvious and complete failure of the adventures in Afghanistan and Iraq, the loss of US standing overseas, and the compounding effects on the US economy and domestic freedoms. In other words, we’re continuing to fulfill their wildest dreams. Their miscalculations had more to do with their appeal than with our lack of it.
Despite US media derision of AQ leadership as being medieval ascetics living in caves, turns out they understood US politics and culture better than we did.
I’m aware of that, but AQ couldn’t have done it without our cooperation.
Though I will say that I have a very hard time seeing the Democrats calling the Republicans “objectively pro-terrorist” if they opposed the policies. They can’t even do it when the republicans are practicing legislative terrorism. I just can’t imagine the kind of polarization that was ramped up for electoral victory coming from a Dem administration.
I first read that as “regardless of Lieberman shitting off in a corner” My first thought was to hope that Gore would have been smart enough to sideline him, then I realized I had misread your sentence.
I first read that as “regardless of Lieberman shitting off in a corner” My first thought was to hope that Gore would have been smart enough to sideline him, then I realized I had misread your sentence.
Speaking of confirmed grifters, another nickel dropped:
A Christmas product introduction use of “the crazy”. Buncha phony cotton-mouth Yuppies, those Robertsons.
But…but they’re the perfect weapon to hunt fags, I mean ducks!
People like Lieberman make me very sad that it’s scandals like Spitzer or Weiner that get all the attention. As moral flaws go, give me inappropriate sexytime any day of the week over getting paid well to destroy millions of lives.
“Shocked by Blowjobs” Joe is filthier than any sex worker or adulterer. Chairman of private equity firm? I expected nothing better from him- it’s PERFECT.
What do you want to bet that Victory Park becomes more highly invested with defense contractors?
When the right talks up small businesses remember that to their thinking they are only promoting the fattening of feeder fish…
A totally predictable outcome following 30 yrs of Republican concentration on the Bench.
?Mr. Lieberman, who retired from the Senate last January after representing
ConnecticutVictory Capital in Washington for 24 years, …?To find a politician I hate more than Lieberman, I have to turn to the Supreme Court … or Wyoming.
ok..l see…thanks all
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