For the remainder of January, I will be blogging at the Washington Monthly on the weekends. Please come over and check me out there.
Oh, in case you were curious, there really was a traffic study:
The study was emailed among officials at the authority on Sept. 12.
It was four pages long and found that, in essence, closing toll lanes creates traffic backups.
“By eliminating two of the toll lanes” dedicated to local traffic, “this traffic was forced to queue on local streets.”
Isn’t that special?
I’m disappointed.
I would have expected that the traffic study would be published in The Onion.
Christie’s bridge to nowhere.
He’s doomed.
Of course!!!
As above, so below.
Business as usual on every level.
This idiocy only further buttresses Christie’s claim that he would be a good president. The federal government wastes billions and billions of dollars on such bullshit “studies.” Christie just wants a chance to jump on up into the really big leagues.
Bet on it.
So, a day before Foye, Port Authority Director appointed by Cuomo, stepped in and ordered the toll lanes to be reopened, Port Authority officials received a report on the traffic mess created by closing two of three toll lanes in Ft. Lee? Then when Foye acted, Wildstein or was it Baroni went nuts and said he would take it to Samson.
To chalk all this up to dickish behavior on the part of team Christie seems off to me. Who and how this stunt was to hurt a team Christie enemy or alternatively how this was supposed to help team Christie is not yet adding up. Suggests that pieces are missing.
The motive doesn’t make sense, but we’ve still got firings and resignations and people taking the Fifth. It’s totally strange.
Did you check out Rachel Maddow’s theory that I linked to on the other thread?
yes, I see your reply there. but just because they blamed the mayor doesn’t mean the mayor is the target. I think team Christie wants to pack the NJ supreme court.
there’s another issue on which team Christie is playing hardball – a pipeline through the Pine Barrens nature preserve. I’ll try to find the NYTimes link.
No shortage of issues that Christie is willing to play hardball on to get his way. Or even simply being a real dick towards his opponents. It’s just that getting from any of the suggested targets to this stunt still doesn’t add up. I don’t doubt that the real dots connect easily. Difficult to see that Sokolich was bothersome enough to team Christie for them to construct this elaborate plot against him. Unless this is how team Christie has been operating for years to take down their opponents and Sokolich is one of the remaining few that is in his way.
here it is
I’m doing a survey. Apparently area dogs do want the bacon.
Dead Man Waddling.
Congrats on the continuing WM gig, Boo.
Cue McCain to ridicule this “study” as a waste of taxpayer dollars, like studying grizzly bear DNA.
Oh, wait, yeah, right, he only does that for studies under Dem admins and for things that are completely scientifically valid and immensely useful towards unassailably valuable goals — like studying grizzly bear DNA!