I remember when real men were allowed to run things. Not like now, with our “sort of feminized atmosphere” where “old-fashioned tough guys run some risks” if they are all muscular and masculine and stuff.
It used to be that you could berate people, choke them, throw chairs, and people thought it was a virtue. Don’t we all miss those days?
Yes, the ppl at this location miss those days terribly [though the football-challenged thought it was an episode of All in the Family]. And you know the clincher re: how times have changed and the severe lack of manly men, is that Darcy Licorish, a figure in the Bridget Bridge vortex, is actually a guy as far as I can figure out
Nothing against Mr Darcy or Mr Darcy’s name, in fact love Mr Darcy’s name because of being big Pride and Prejudice/ Jane Austen fans
football/ basketball . should not watch these at the same time as the Bears rant Oscar posted
Back in 6th grade we had a kid from Indiana that moved to our state and was nuts over the Hoosiers. He was also super-good at flashy basketball but that’s only because he played it all the time. His Hoosier love and basketball obsession were kind of ridiculous even to my younger self.
And Brit Hume used to work at that “liberal” ABC. He used to be WH correspondent. Someone should ask the dipshit about that.
I wonder if a fly ever buzzed into that big mouth? Would have been a YouTube hit for sure.
It’s at this point that I want to create a You Tube video of the preening GOPers talking up their masculinity with Village People’s “Macho Man” playing in the background.
In high school I actually knew many right wing extremists (what we would now call wingnuts – then they were John Birchers) who were fans of the Village People. One of them even alternated wearing Village People t-shirts and “get us out of the UN t-shirts”. I swear I am not making this up.
You should have seen his face when I explained to him what the Village People were about. I also don’t think they understood why one of their favorite bands was called “Queen”.
I thought Dick Cheney retired this trophy with the Iraqi invasion.
I don’t know, I was more inclined to remember John McEnroe’s infamously/funny on court tantrums
It’s all part of the charisma of being of jerk.
That’s also what they said when Woody Hayes, Mr. 110%, got canned.
I’m increasing amused with the conservative anxiety (and it goes all the way to elite conservative academics) about the feminization of American (global?) society. What is that all about?
Same with the rally to the banners of “muscular Christianity”.
Just plain weird.
“…you’re in constant danger of slipping out and saying something that’s going to get you in trouble and make you look like a sexist or make you look like you seem thuggish or whatever.”
Slipping out? Like a secret? Like a secret that you are really an asshole?
He answered his own question.
It is an accepted fact that politics can and is Machavellian. In NJ it is an artform. We get it and want our politicians to be competitive in that game for our interests.
But you don’t get to break the law. You don’t get to create actual harm to advance your party’s interests. And you don’t get away with lying if you get caught. There aren’t many boundaries but those are them.