The 2008 primaries took place a long time ago, and we ought to be able to forgive and forget a lot of things that took place in the heat of the battle. News that Hillary’s aides kept a ranked hit-list of people who they felt had betrayed her is not all that surprising, but the real question is whether they are still harboring grudges.
It’s clear that President Obama felt it is was vitally important to make peace between the two camps, and I think his supporters should be willing to follow his lead, but some assurance is needed that a Clinton presidency won’t entail revenge on Obama’s people.
For progressives like myself who vigorously opposed Clinton’s nomination, the likelihood of her being the nominee the next time around is both an ideological and a personal challenge. Most, but not all, of the reasons I did not support her candidacy still remain. Yet, I can see the upside of a Clinton run for the presidency.
But the idea that the Clinton camp might still feel it has scores to settle is disturbing. I can”t say that I will be likely to support Clinton in a primary, but I’d like to make that decision on the merits and not as an act of self-preservation.
In the broader picture, she won’t be able to unite the Obama coalition behind her unless she puts these concerns to rest.
She remains a polarizing, ethically challenged harpie. Of course, any Democratic candidate will send the wing-nut base screaming into the fever swamps, but Hillary has real baggage. I would much rather see Biden run.
Ugh, can we just dispense with geriatric retreads altogether?
A sexist and an ageist went into a bar…
And they decided to post on Booman.
Right, the fact that it’s about age and/or sex is the reason why I would love to see President Elizabeth Warren. Try again, ace.
I don’t believe you. No one who uses the term “geriatric retread” is an authentic Warren supporter. You’re just using her as a Clinton stalking horse.
You can believe whatever you like. What I’m against is outworn ideas, not old people (I’m a borderline old person myself.)
Yeah, pick a different word. That’s awful.
Why do I sometimes feel as if Obama’s people have a hit-list of Liberals and Progressives?
Btw – the fact that Hillary’s people have a hit list isn’t really news.
I suspect that EVERY candidate’s team – in both parties – have hit-lists.
But yeah, she’d better make-nice with Obama voters, because without them, she won’t stand a chance.
I probably won’t vote for her in a primary.
But if she’s the Democratic candidate, I’ll work on GOTV for her, same as I did for Obama!
Exactly who and what would be on Obama’s hit list and please tell me when the Obama administration had shown any of the sort of grudge holding that the Clintonistas have always hhave.
And please spare me the whole “professional left” business of Robert Gibbs and the Snowden mess.
The Clinton and their Clintonistas have history so please tell where there is the same history for Obama?
I think the worst of the Clinton camp is not herself, but those PUMAs who have since wandered off into the impenetrable forests of Greenwaldia and are no longer relevant to politics at all anyway. Like Mr. Gulag, I will support her if she is nominated without (very much) reservation, though I too think somebody younger would be a much better idea.
I want a true Progressive candidate, with the self-molation of the Republican scene it is time for a progressive run: Sherrod Brown maybe?
Did/Does Hillary Clinton act on this enemies list? Close down any bridges to Embassies during her tenure as Sec. of State or to Brooklyn as NY Senator?
Christine Gregoire!
Doesn’t meet citizenship requirement.
My bad. I think I’m thinking of Jennifer Granholm.
I cannot forgive and forget the race baiting. No decent person should.
It was indeed bad, but was it really her?
The people who surround the candidate will surround the President if that candidate wins.
Including Bill.
The question of whether Hillary was personally responsible would be moot, except that of course she was personally responsible for the conduct of her staff.
Incidentally, Kilgore today.
The Clintons political capital is, and forever shall be, valued in Confederate dollars. I will oppose her candidacy with every fiber of my being.
HRC doesn’t have what it takes to unite the Obama coalition. She’s not a coalition builder. She’s a my way or the highway type person. Coalition building is a unique skill that very, very few people possess. Obama is rare in that regard. You can’t build coalitions if you have hit lists.
see, it’s this kind of shyt that brings me to the point once again of WANTING SOMEONE ELSE TO RUN.
It’s part of that entire HILLARY IS ENTITLED mindset that irks me to no end.
How Hillary Clinton lost the South Carolina primary is very instructive. That was not the folks we thought we were electing in 1992.
I’m at a loss right now even thinking of an acceptable candidate from any party or movement who can face what has to be done starting in 2016. And who can bring in a Congress that is other than more deadlock.
It is not clear at all who can cut through the media bullshit and put real choices on the electoral agenda.
The American experiment right now is in really sad shape until the Supreme Court reverses the course it set with Citizens United. Cause I don’t see any constitutional amendments happening in this toxic environment.
It’s going to be a long slog until the people wake up a little more to demand uncorrupted politicians. WHEN they do, then raking and taking that payola will have a significant political cost.
What exactly did anyone think Bill’s Sister Souljah moment was? SC 2008 was no different. Lani Guinere, Joyclyn Elders, and “end welfare as we know it” was more of their same politically motivated racist crap.
Those two had their chance and did nothing more with it than serve the 1% and make themselves wealthy. Why would Democrats want to display the same level of political ignorance as the GOP base voters by also knowingly voting against their own interests by rallying around the Clinton flagpole? Is it “moran” envy?
Brian Schweitzer?
“It is merely an excuse to put the phrases ‘Hillary Clinton’ and ‘Enemies List’ in the same sentence.”
Nothing to see here at all, really old inside baseball at very best. But it’s not the very best, is it?
Gee, all this angst about a SUPPOSED list generated SIX years ago …
after 4 years of successfully playing second fiddle to the Prez?
Without even a HINT of discord since 2 weeks after the 2008 elections?
Followed by steadfast support during the 2010 debacle?
So… EXACTLY WHO is shoving knives up people’s asses here?
or is this just another “just sayin’ it COULD be” moment. Thank you Fox News of the Left.
Wish reporters would ask all these so-called Democrats that funded Christie’s re-election what they’re thinking now? Rich assholes.
I didn’t help Obama in 2012 and I probably won’t be helping Clinton in 2016. They don’t really need me, so I’ll spend my energies with more local candidates to help build a farm team of talented progressive thinking office holders.
My feelings exactly.
I’ll probably work for Hillary (IF she runs, I still think that unlikely) but then I live in MA, and the local pols are turning to EW for that shining light (Mumbles is quitting and there aren’t currently any potent Kennedys).
However, my $$$ is going to local campaigns in places where it might actually be making a difference: Ohio, Wisconsin, NM, blue TX, and Washington State.