The Senate report is followed by a number of Appendices: Timeline of events, Democrats on Talking Points Memo (TPM) of Susan Rice, Republicans on TPM and culpability Secretary Hillary Clinton and separate remarks Sen. Susan Collins.
Documents Released on Benghazi Attack of 11 September 2011
(The Hill) – After publication of the recent NY Times article by Kirkpatrick, Sen. Dianne Feinstein reacted as follows:
“The chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said that key conclusions of a recent New York Times investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack are wrong.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) rejected the Times’s conclusion that al Qaeda wasn’t responsible for the attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. She also took issue with the notion that the Libya strike was sparked by a U.S.-made anti-Islam video online.”
The committee’s 58-page report concludes intelligence reports contributed to the “talking points” that inaccurately referred to protests at the U.S. facility ahead of the attack. That information was presented by then-United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice the weekend after the attack, creating a political storm that helped sink her possible nomination for secretary of State.
The report says individuals involved had ties to al Qaeda affiliates, contradicting a recent New York Times story that said al Qaeda had no role in the attack. At the same time, the report notes the attack was “opportunistic” and was not highly coordinated.
In intelligence and foreign affairs matters, Dianne Feinstein is as crappy as McCain and Graham.
I totally agree with you here…..BUT then someone steps up unexpectedly and does the right thing (for whatever reason). Case in point: DiFi spoke out on the Senate floor against the warmongers who are out to sabotage the peace with Iran.
“We can’t let Israel determine when and where U.S. goes to war,” says Feinstein
There is a C-Span video and a transcript at the posted Mondoweiss link. Very thorough discussion and debunking of BS arguments by her. Got to give her kudos, she done good here.
Oh, and where is Hillary?
An odd shift for her. There’s a back story to this that we may never learn about.
Juan Cole’s abysmal analysis on Benghazi and final Senate report. The professor was wrong on Libya, the “success of our intervention” and mitigated the dangers of the militias in a broken country. Terrible circular reasoning after his previous praise for Kirkpatrick’s NY Times article. Now he asserts the NY Times report has all the facts, so the Senate Intelligence Commission report is erroneous. See point 2 and 3 to white-wash the responsibility of Hillary Clinton. Clinton was close to the Muslim Brotherhood, so was JC fond of Qatar, Turkey and Egypt’s Morsi. It’s time to admit defeat and move on.
What really pissed me off, Juan Cole putting blame on Ambassador Stevens with an argument full of holes and hardly part of the essentials in the Benghazi and Libya quest by the State Department during 2011-2012.
It’s Secretary Clinton who sets policy on our presence in Libya and how to operate the Tripoli embassy and the Benghazi mission. Stevens represented the US as her ambassador, not someone setting policy or where ultimately the buck stops!
○ Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say
By Nancy A. Youssef – McClatchy Foreign Staff on May 14, 2013
○ State Department, military blamed for Benghazi attack
Senate report » Ambassador Stevens, who died in the assault, twice refused extra security
○ Benghazi Witness Account
Cross-posted from my diary @BooMan – Libyan Leader Aims for Separate Cyrenaican State.
Can it get any worse on a path towards
democracya failed state?