This is just how things work now. Elites never pay a price for their misbehavior. They can start wars for no good reason. They can torture people. They can hold them in indefinite detention. They can blow off the statutes against spying without warrants. They can flout the campaign finances laws. They can probably cause a traffic jam for a week straight, on purpose.

The Federal Elections Commission believes Republican strategist Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS, his pro-Republican fundraising organization, probably violated campaign finance rules.

The 2012 report, first reported by the Sunlight Foundation on Tuesday and released on Friday, recommends the FEC conduct a deep investigation of Rove’s organization. But the report was just a recommendation and the FEC did not act on it. The panel in charge of opening an investigation was tied 3 to 3 in a vote as to whether it should pursue an inquiry.

Specifically, the FEC report said that Crossroads GPS had violated campaign finance regulations going back to 2010 because it did not register as a political group.

The General Counsel says that Crossroads violated the law, but the Republicans on the FEC simply refuse to do anything about it.

Karl Rove has more lives than a cat.